Chapter 334
Little Taotie's fist hardened, but seeing the big belly of the villain, he had no choice but to let go.

She knows that taking the bus should give way to the elderly, pregnant women, and the disabled.

Pregnant women need to give way.

Xiao Taotie restrained his temper and asked, "Are you Xiao Xian's vicious stepmother?"

The children in the mountains always spread rumors about their stepmothers as ghosts and ghosts. Little Taotie knew that stepmothers were not good people. Later, when he went to the city and heard the fairy tales about Snow White, he was even more sure that stepmothers were not good people!
The woman fiddled with her freshly made fingernails, the black nails were covered with real diamonds.

In the past, she could not bear such a luxury.

After marrying Xie Jiacheng, she found that the life of a rich man is really fascinating. Now that she has become Xie Jiacheng's wife, everything about Xie Jiacheng can only belong to her!That little oil bottle must die!
Taking advantage of Xie Jiacheng's visit to the mainland, she carefully planned the kidnapping, but she never expected to be ruined by a stinky girl!

"A vicious stepmother? Is this how Xiao Xian introduced me?"

"No, he just said that you are pregnant. I guessed it myself. Stepmothers are not good people anyway!"

"You know a lot."

The woman touched the real diamonds on her nails, playing with taste: "If you know too much, your life will not be too long."

Those slender hands that looked beautiful suddenly took out a gun, pointed the muzzle at Little Taotie, "Stinky girl, go to hell!"

She pulled the trigger!

Little Taotie sensed the danger, and hurriedly knelt down and hugged his head, when the gunshot rang out, and the shot missed.

"You can hide!" The woman pulled the trigger again.

Little Taotie ran away, like a nimble kitten, and the little white beast jade pendant around her neck shone faintly when she was running, as if to bless her good luck.

Every time, she successfully dodged the bullet.

"This kid is a little weird." The man lowered his voice.

The woman didn't think so, and sneered: "Strange? Can those ghost things be weird? I have trained them to be obedient, let alone a stinky girl! Today, she must die here! How dare you spoil my good deeds!"

The man touched the place where the bulletproof vest was still hurting, and his bad feeling became stronger. He didn't want to waste time with this crazy woman, and said coldly: "That kid ran away, and I don't want the last payment. Our cooperation termination."

The man got into the car, threw the dying cat out of the car, and drove away.

The woman wanted to kill him with a single shot, so she held back.

She transferred all her anger to Xiao Taotie, and pulled the trigger continuously.

Little Taotie is like the luckiest koi, fleeing like a nimble swimming fish.

He missed a single shot!

The woman smashed the gun in her hand to the ground angrily, her eyes were gloomy and terrifying.

She was pregnant, and she rarely used Taoist skills, and now she didn't care about it, she took out the talisman paper from her backpack, lit the talisman paper with incense with her other hand, and then pointed the burning talisman paper towards the position where the little Taotie was. False one finger.

Little Taotie felt that the jade pendant of the little white beast was getting hot, so he reached out to take it out to have a look, at the same time, the jade pendant emitted a warm light, blocking the spell from the woman.

A spell that is blocked will eat back at its owner.

The woman fell to the ground, clutching her stomach tightly, and saw in horror, groups of snakes, insects, rats and ants surrounding her!
She flicked through her bag in a hurry, trying to find the talisman paper to undo the curse...

A snake with a triangular head stared at her, and when she took out a piece of talisman paper, it suddenly flew over, bit her wrist, and pierced the flesh with its long teeth.

The woman waved her hand frantically, and another snake jumped up following the example of the previous snake, biting her wrist.

Little Taotie clapped his little hands: "Bite her! Bite her! Bite her!"

The woman's eyes stared at the little Taotie like a poisonous snake. If eyes could kill, the little Taotie would have been pierced through.

The woman didn't care about the poisonous snake biting her wrist, but lit the talisman paper in her hand. When the talisman paper burned, she threw the talisman paper at the snake, insect, mouse and ant.

As if the illusion was broken, the snake, insect, rat, and ant became distorted, then shattered, and disappeared into green smoke.

There were two wounds on the woman's wrist, which looked like snake bites but didn't look like it. They were blue, and the runes could be vaguely seen, which was very strange.

Little Taotie stepped forward to pick up the kitten that was thrown out of the car by the man. The kitten was wounded and dying.

She raised her small face and asked fiercely, "You hurt the kitten? Are you the one who tortured and killed those dead cats?"

The woman stood up, touched her stomach, and raised her chin: "So what?"

Little Taotie originally wanted to rush over to hit her, but when he saw her stomach, he stopped firing again.

"I...I don't care about pregnant women! I will call the police and let the police uncle punish you!"

The woman sneered: "What evidence do you have? I was acquitted in the end, but I'm just a few beasts."

"You!" Little Taotie was trembling with anger, and the little milk's voice was broken: "You will be punished!"

"Meow!" A cry sounded, shrill and gloomy, as if echoing the little Taotie.

Little Taotie heard the sound and looked over, it was an orange cat!

The spirit body of the orange cat was not saved by Teacher Ma, but it is still there!
And—it has become a wraith!

The orange cat's hair was windless and automatic, and its body was covered with a thick black-gray aura. The resentment between its brows turned into the word "resentment" in essence. The cat's eyes were dark and fierce.

It grinned, the corners of the mouth elongated to the limit, revealing sharp white teeth exuding black-gray resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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