Chapter 352

Hua Jinyan got straight to the point, with a serious voice: "Is Shuhuahua one of the Huashi industries?"

Grandpa Hua looked blank.

——There are too many companies, and I don’t remember them at all.

"Wait, grandpa ask the assistant."

Grandpa Hua took out his office phone and called his assistant.

Even the old assistant found out after checking that Fahrenheit still has such a small company.

"Boss, there is indeed. It is a company specializing in baby skin care products. It was opened 30 years ago. It has no sense of existence. It does not lose money every year and does not make much money."

"Okay, I know."

Grandpa Hua didn't hang up the phone with his assistant in a hurry. He subconsciously felt that his grandson would not mention this small company out of nowhere.

"Good grandson, the Shu Huahua you mentioned is indeed under the name of Fahrenheit."

Hua Jinyan raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a nasty smile, but quickly retracted, straightened the corners of his mouth, and said in a deep voice, "Since you don't make money, let's close it."

Grandpa Hua didn't ask the reason at all, and directly ordered the assistant to do it.


The person in charge of Shu Huahua, who had just finished filming the advertisement, was preparing for the launch of the new product, and was preparing to project the advertisement on the screen, received a call.

"What? Remove all products?"

"Although the company has had zero income in the past few years, it is not losing money. As long as new products are launched, it will definitely be reversed!"

"What? It's too late? The company has been deregistered?"

The person in charge who hung up the phone was in a daze.

It was like a nightmare, without any warning at all.

All products have been forcibly removed from the shelves, and the advertisements have no meaning of casting.

Chengzi smashed things angrily, she managed to win the little Taotie once, and snatched the advertisement through her relationship, but she didn't even have the chance to cast it on the screen!

In the industry, this is a very taboo thing.

If an artist's filming is too late to pass, or it is blocked directly, and there is no chance to broadcast it, the artist will be labeled as "unlucky" and "unlucky star".

In the future, it will become very difficult to accept dramas and commercials.

Orange this time is completely stealing the chicken and losing the rice. The advertisement was finally snatched, let alone the opportunity to cast the screen, the entire company was shut down in an instant, and the label of "mild star" may never be removed.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, let alone such dramatic news.

It was quickly dug out, and a post was sent out silently.

Little Taotie is the "Little God of Wealth". Too many people know it and believe it. As long as she shoots advertisements, there will be no products that are not easy to sell, and they are all hits!

This time, there had been gossip that Xiao Taotie accepted Shu Huahua's advertisement.

Many colleagues trembled, for fear that Shu Huahua's rise would crush their product market.

Surprisingly, the advertisement changed!
Later, Shu Huahua stated that he did not break the contract, did not make a temporary substitution, and did not sign a contract with Xiao Taotie at all.

Little Taotie did not give any reply.

The public didn't take it seriously either, and all colleagues were relieved, as long as it wasn't Xiao Taotie, it would be fine for anyone.

Who knew that before long, the entire company was gone!
too suddenly!

In this way, it is impossible to release the advertisement!
[Who changed, do you know? ] Someone started to ask this question.

The author of the post replied: [Oranges! 】

There was an uproar on the Internet all of a sudden!
【Chengzi, isn't he the one who lost to Xiao Taotie? 】

Someone broke the news: [Chengzi's TV series are basically at a loss. 】

Everyone in the industry and outside the industry knows the label of orange "Mould Star"!
(End of this chapter)

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