Chapter 353 Public Relations No. 3 Has a Name

Public Relations No. 1: "Stealing a chicken won't cost you money, tell her to steal it, it's game over now!"

PR No. 2: "Do we need to post something?"

PR No. 1: "What does it have to do with us? Silence is the best way. After all, it is not a glorious thing to be robbed of an advertisement."

Cheng Guodong pointed to the PR No. 3 who had been silent all this time: "Why don't you speak?"

PR No. 3: "I'm thinking about my mistakes."

PR No. 1 wondered: "What have you thought about?"

Public Relations No. 3: "It's obviously our advertisement, but the little gluttons are already on the scene, how can they be snatched away by others, it seems that we are very incompetent."

As soon as this remark came out, the office fell into a deathly silence.

Cheng Guodong coughed to break the silence.

"I am also responsible for this matter. As a manager, if there is no assistant arranged, I should accompany him to the scene."

PR No. 1 is busy smoothing things over: "You can't blame the boss, it's the boss who has no time to do it."

PR No. 2: "The main problem lies in not having a competent assistant."

"Yes, so I plan to choose an assistant for my sister."

PR No. 1: "I'm going to gather everyone!"

"No, the candidate is among the three of you."

PR No. 1 had a bitter face: "Boss, you usually don't care about the company, and the three of us have already moved around!"

PR No. 2: "I still haven't read a lot of materials, I'm busy every day like a spinning top."

PR No. 3 pondered for a moment and said, "I'll go. I've thought about it carefully. The other people in the company are not as experienced as the three of us, but the two of them are in charge of the company's affairs, and the other is in charge of the people in the company. I'm the only one who has the most free time."

Cheng Guodong glanced at him appreciatively, "Actually, I think you are the most suitable candidate, and you are also the one chosen by Xiao Taotie."

Public Relations No. 3 packed up his things immediately: "Then what are you waiting for, I'll go find Xiao Taotie now!"

PR No. 1: "I feel like he might be about to have a name."

PR No. 2's mouth twitched: "You made it look like he didn't have a name."

PR No. 1: "Boss can't remember our names. He usually calls us code names. Now that he has gone to Xiao Taotie's side, he will definitely be remembered by our full names."

PR No. 2: "I'm a little envious of him when you say that."

PR No. 1 sighed: "I'm envious too."


Little Taotie opened the door and saw a small cart covered with flowers, a plush rabbit sat on the flowers, and the plush rabbit held a small basket in its arms, and the basket contained various candies chocolate.

Little Taotie blinked, eyes full of surprise.

"Cute little Taotie, let me introduce myself. My name is Gu Bei, and I am your assistant. I hope to have a good time with you."

"Are you the number 3 that elder brother said?"

The smile on the corner of Gu Bei's mouth froze, and he nodded: "It's me."

"Then shall I call you No. 3 from now on, or Gu Bei?" Little Taotie tilted his head with an innocent expression on his face.

Gu Bei: "..."

Trying to maintain a smile, Gu Bei coughed dryly: "If you remember my name, I still hope I have a name."

"Okay! Brother Gu Bei!"

Little Taotie giggled, his eyes narrowed like a naughty little fox.

Only then did Gu Bei realize that Little Taotie was joking, and he also laughed, happy in his heart: I am also a person with a name!
Gu Bei's new official took office, and he was very active, taking care of everything for Xiao Taotie, like the best personal butler.

The female bodyguard Sitian nudged the female bodyguard Katsunan beside her with her elbow, and lowered her voice: "This assistant is quite capable, I don't know where I found out that I like to eat nuts, so he gave me a box of nuts for cooking. Greeting ceremony. What did he give you?"

(End of this chapter)

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