Chapter 355 Also a Hidden Boss

Chen Han did not expect such a good thing, this is entertainment during working hours!
"Go, I'll take you there!"

Chen Han left with Xiao Taotie, Si Tian hurriedly chased after him, "Chen Han, don't make trouble, how can you take her there!"

"What does it matter?"

"How old is she!"

"It's okay, go to the cartoon-themed KTV, even children can go, and many children hold birthday parties there."

Si Tian was taken aback for a moment, wondering: "Is there such a place?"

Chen Han glanced at her sideways: "I'm an expert in Song City, there is no good place that I don't know about!"

"Then wait, I'll call Shang Shengnan." Sitian ran to the room.

Katsuo shared a room with her and was used to it, so he didn't knock on the door. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Katsuo holding a bouquet of flowers circling around, his little face flushed, and he looked like a young girl whose spring had come.

Seeing someone coming in, Katsuo hurriedly stopped, trying to hide the flowers behind his back.

Sitian laughed: "I've seen it all, what are you hiding?"

Katsuo blushed, his eyes twinkled, and he lacked his usual cool girl look.

"This is the meeting gift from Gu Bei? Unexpectedly, you like red roses."

"I just like flowers."

"But he sent roses, didn't he?" Sitian smirked: "It seems that he is interested in you!"

"It's just a meeting ceremony, don't think too much about it!"

"Okay, okay, I don't think too much! Let's go, let's go to Song City with Little Taotie to sing!"


"Gu Bei's meeting gift for Chen Han is the Song City Travel Card, which is available in all song cities across the country. You don't need to pay for eating, drinking and singing!"

Hearing this, Katsunan was very surprised, hesitantly asked: "Such a big deal? Will the money be credited to his account in the future?"

"Why do you worry about him! He can give this to the person he met for the first time, which means that this will not be a burden for him!"

Katsuo still felt that something was wrong: "This is not good."

"I'll ask Gu Bei later, if it's really him who pays, we'll pay the money ourselves, right?" Sitian said helplessly.

Only then did Shengnan agree, and took a bag to keep up with Sitian.

Chen Han took Xiao Taotie's hand to Gu Bei's room, stood in front of the door and smiled, "I'm going to use this card now, are you sure I can spend as much as I want? Song City won't send you a bill then Shall I ask you to pay?"

Gu Bei smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as you show this card, they will let you sing for free."

"Tell me secretly, what is your identity?"

"I'm Xiao Taotie's assistant." Gu Bei blinked, looking innocent.

"Don't make trouble, speak well!"

Gubei Tanshou: "My mother likes karaoke, so as long as there are regular karaoke cities in the whole country, my dad will invest in them."

"You really are a boss!" Chen Han gave him a thumbs up.

Sitian and Shengnan rushed over, just in time to hear this conversation, Sitian nudged Shengnan lightly with her elbow, and lowered her voice: "It seems that you don't have to worry about him."

Katsuo blushed: "I'm not...not worried about him."

"Oh oh oh, if you say no, then no." Si Tian looked in disbelief.


In the doraemon-themed KTV, the little Taotie ran around cheerfully, and Hua Jinyan naturally followed, chasing the little Taotie with a camera to take pictures.

Sitian looked at the two children with her hands on her chin, and said enviously, "My childhood sweetheart, even my little Taotie, is with me. When will I get out of the singles?"

Chen Han laughed and said, "Unless you give up your body, which man dares to chase you with your appearance like a King Kong Hercules? Unless you think it's too late!"

"You want to fight!" Sitian chased him to fight.

Only Gu Bei and Katsuo were left sitting on the sofa. Gu Bei poured Katsuo a cup of tea and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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