Chapter 356

"I, I, I'm not hungry." Katsuo stammered when he got nervous.

In fact, she usually has a cold face and few words, and it is also because of this reason.

Hearing her stammering voice, and seeing her rosy face, Gu Bei chuckled, "You're so cute."

Katsuo's face became hot, and he looked at him in surprise.

"Has no one ever praised you for being cute and looking at me so surprised?"

"No... no one praised it."

"Then how much should I boast?"

"do not……"

Gu Bei laughed softly: "You are so cute, your boyfriend must like to tease you very much."

"I...I don't have a boyfriend." Katsuo lowered his head.

Although she is not ugly, but because she always has a cold face, no man will show her any favors, plus her strength and work, it is even more respectful and far away.

"How is it possible?" Gu Bei was surprised this time, "You are so cute, but you don't have a boyfriend?"

Katsuo pursed his lips, his eyes darkened.

Gu Bei moved closer to her and lowered his voice: "Then you see, do I have this honor?"

Katsuo was stunned and stared at him blankly.

"What? Didn't you understand?" Gu Bei leaned closer, almost sticking to her ear: "I mean, do I have the honor to be your boyfriend?"

"I..." Katsuo stammered again, very ashamed and annoyed, unable to say a word for a long time, blushing dripping blood, bit his lower lip, and stopped talking.

Seeing her like this, Gu Bei felt a little distressed, stretched out his hand to gently hold her hand, and said, "If you nod, you are willing to be my girlfriend. If you shake your head, I will never make things difficult for you."

Katsuo blushed even more when his hand was held.

She raised her head and looked into Gu Bei's eyes, which were tender and distressed.

It was a look she had never seen in the eyes of other men.

She was very good at fighting since she was a child, and later became a Sanda champion, and changed her career to become a bodyguard. Everyone thought she was very good, and it was impossible to look at her with distressed eyes.

Just a guy I just met.

Just met for the first day.

But for some reason, she nodded mysteriously.

The corners of Gu Bei's mouth turned up, and the hand holding her hand was tightened, "From now on, please take care of me, girlfriend."

"Yeah." Katsuo responded lightly.


When Sitian beat Chen Han violently and returned to the sofa, the whole person was shocked.

Seeing Gu Bei holding Katsuo's hand, the two looked at each other affectionately.

Si Tian: "What did I miss?"

Chen Han came back rubbing his stomach, stood behind Sitian, wondering: "Why don't you sit down, it's blocking the way!"

Sitian turned her head: "Chen Han, slap me."

Chen Han: "..."

"Hurry up and slap me!"

Chen Han thought that the opportunity for revenge had come, so he slapped him, mercilessly.

Si Tian covered her face: "It's actually real! It's not a dream!"

"What are you muttering about? What is a dream and not a dream?" Chen Han wondered.

Si Tian stepped aside and let him see for himself.

Chen Han looked in the direction Sitian pointed, and saw Gu Bei holding Katsuo's hand, talking to her with a smile, Katsuo didn't take out his hand, but let him hold it, blushing, showing his Shy.

"What's the situation? Are they... together?"

Si Tian: "Isn't that obvious?"

Chen Han exclaimed: "It's only been a day since I met you!"

Si Tian: "Gu Bei gave her a bouquet of red roses as a gift."

Chen Han raised his thumbs up: "He has plotted against the law from the very beginning! He actually managed to succeed! Amazing!"

Si Tian sighed: "Katsunan is out of order, when can I get out of order?"

(End of this chapter)

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