Chapter 357 Gu Bei's mental journey

Little Taotie and all the doraemons took photos, and when they came back, they found Gu Bei and Sheng Nan looking sticky, approaching Hua Jinyan, whispering in his ear, "They look like two pieces of rice cakes."

Hua Jinyan looked at Gu Bei, Gu Bei just raised his head, met Shang Hua Jinyan's eyes, and blinked his right eye at him.

Hua Jinyan nodded and looked away.

In fact, Gu Bei was able to know that Sheng Nan likes flowers because he asked about it from Hua Jinyan.

Gu Bei works in public relations, and his communication skills are first-rate. I found out that Dao Sitian likes nuts, and Chen Han is a wheat bully, but he couldn't find out what Sheng Nan likes.

Because Katsuo usually looks like a cold-faced goddess who wants nothing.

At the beginning, Gu Bei asked Hua Jinyan what kind of candy the little Taotie liked, and asked by the way, but he didn't expect much, but Hua Jinyan actually told him that Katsuo liked flowers.

It's hard for Gu Bei to imagine that a cold-looking girl actually likes flowers behind her back.

This sense of disobedience made him interested in this girl.

Gu Bei originally planned to buy some flowers casually, any kind of flowers, after all he didn't know what kind of flowers Katsuo liked, the best way was to buy one of each kind of flower.

But because of his curiosity about the girl, he investigated everything about Katsuo.

Katsuo is an orphan whose parents died in an earthquake.

Katsuo was unwilling to be adopted, and later showed his talent in Sanda, was trained by the country, and became a Sanda champion.

After changing jobs, he became a bodyguard.

The market of bodyguards in foreign countries is better than that in China. Many Sanda friends have gone abroad and invited her to join them.

She also went at first, and her ability is enough to become a world-class bodyguard.

Because she looks small and is a beautiful girl, many people don't trust her or want to bully her.Those male bodyguards abroad are vulgar and boring, they always make trouble for her, and they are beaten up by her later, they are scared, but they always make trouble secretly.

In the end, no matter how much money those foreign bosses paid, she didn't want to continue working and returned to China.

Domestic male bodyguards are more popular, and she is unemployed, but fortunately, she has made a lot of money overseas, so she is not in a hurry, until Qin Xin found her this time and asked her to protect Xiao Taotie, and she came out to work.

Gu Bei subconsciously investigated her relationship history, and found that she had never been in a relationship.

At first, I thought she was a cold master who didn't like men. Maybe because of her own strength, she would think that men are weak, so she would disdain to associate with men.

After further investigation, I found that she was not such a person. I accidentally found a photo of her when she was a child, and found a picture of her smiling brightly holding a bouquet of roses.

In the photo, there is a man and a woman standing beside her, who should be her late parents.

Apparently, she was also a girl who loved to laugh before the earthquake, and it was only after the earthquake that she stopped laughing.

Gu Bei accidentally sent a bouquet of red roses, and stood in front of the girl with the roses in his hands. At that time, he was a little apprehensive, annoyed at his rashness, how could he choose such an embarrassing meeting gift for the first time.

But when he saw the red face of the girl opposite, Gu Bei was surprised to find that this cold-faced girl was actually very shy.

When she took the flowers and turned around and ran away, Gu Bei knew that his love was coming!

Originally, he wanted to plan something and chase slowly.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he got close to her and saw her stammering cute appearance, he subconsciously opened his mouth, wanting her to be his girlfriend, it seemed that he couldn't wait any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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