Chapter 358

Si Tian heard Xiao Taotie's words and nodded: "The rice cake duo! They are now in the period of passionate love, so they are naturally sticky, and they wish they could stick together all the time!"

"The period of passionate love?" Little Taotie tilted his head, his big eyes were full of bewilderment.

Sitian was grinning, with the smirk of the strange aunt who spoiled the children in her eyes, and took the little Taotie's hand, "Come on, sister will teach you! Passionate love, that is... is a degree of love between couples, belonging to An intense and inseparable stage in a relationship."

Chen Han covered Xiao Taotie's ears, and gave Sitian a disapproving look: "You are messing around!"

Si Tian snorted: "Educate early, prevent early! You see, Shengnan knows too little about this, so he is deceived by a man who has only known him for a day! I can't let Xiao Taotie be chased away so easily!"

Chen Han tightly covered Xiao Taotie's ears, not letting her hear.

Chen Han said angrily: "Shut up, you!"

Seeing that he was really angry, Si Tian muttered and said nothing more.

Only then did Chen Han let go of the little Taotie's ears, seeing that the little girl was looking at him in a daze, but he didn't hear Sitian's words, so he was relieved.

"Let's go play, there is a blind box of Doraemon at the counter."

Little Taotie nodded and called Hua Jinyan to go with him.

After leaving the private room, Xiao Taotie leaned into Hua Jinyan's ear: "I heard what Sister Sitian said, and she didn't miss a single word!"

Hua Jin said: "..."

Little Taotie covered his mouth for fun, his eyes were crooked, like a kitten that has stolen a fish, "Sister Sheng Nan and Brother Gu Bei are lovers!"

Hua Jinyan was puzzled, what was she joking about?
Hearing Xiao Taotie's soft voice, he laughed: "They can wear the couple outfits I designed!"

Hua Jin said: "..."

"I want to design a special one for them, and then my aunt and I can make a lot of money again!"

Hua Jinyan was amused by her little money fan, "Then what kind of couple outfits do you want to design for them?"

Little Taotie frowned, and began to think seriously.

"Don't worry, they've only been dating for a day, and there's still a lot of time to come. They're under your nose every day, and you can observe them and find out what kind of pattern suits them."

Hearing this, Little Taotie clapped his little hands, "Yes! I want to observe them every day! I'm going now!"

Hua Jinyan hurriedly grabbed her, "Don't go in, just listen."

From the crack of the door came a "crying of ghosts and howling of wolves"!
Little Taotie took a few steps back in shock, his eyes widened: "Brother Chen Han...are you singing?"

Hua Jinyan nodded.

Little Taotie covered his ears and backed away again and again, "Let's go to the counter to smoke blind boxes!"

Hua Jinyan laughed out loud: "Aren't you going to sing a song?"

Little Taotie shook his head vigorously as if in shock: "No, no, no, I smoke the blind box, I wait at the counter for them to come out, I won't go back to the box!"

The two children came to the counter, and because they were wearing masks, the counter lady didn't recognize them as Xiao Taotie.

"Little friend, do you want to smoke the blind box?"

"Yes!" Little Taotie nodded vigorously.

The counter lady asked, "Which one do you want to smoke?"

Little Taotie looked at the doraemon in the window, pointed to the doraemon sitting on the big boat, "I want this one!"

"That's a pirate suit. The one you're referring to is a hidden one, and it's hard to get."

"It's hard..." Little Taotie pointed his fingers and asked in a low voice, "Can I buy it?"

The counter lady shook her head: "I can only smoke."

Little Taotie sighed old-fashionedly, and said in a childish voice, "Then I'll smoke it once, and forget it if I can't smoke it."

The counter lady took out a set of blind boxes, a total of twelve boxes.

I thought to myself: Children who come here to smoke blind boxes, how can they give up after only smoking one?

The blind box actually has a bit of gambling meaning, and it is very difficult for people to stop. Until you get what you like, adults can't control themselves, let alone children.

(End of this chapter)

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