The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 368 The Visitor of the 3rd Update in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 368 The Visitor at Midnight

How could Cheng Lu let the little Taotie wash the dishes, and hurriedly stopped him: "You are still young, the bowl is too dangerous, what if you smash it and scratch your hand! Don't move, I'll come!"

"Don't move, you've worked hard cooking, I'll come!"

"I come!"

"I come!"

The two actually quarreled over the matter of washing dishes, Emperor Xu helped his forehead, and hugged the little Taotie.

Little Taotie noticed that his feet were in the air, and the little milk voice hurriedly said, "Put me down, I have to wash the dishes!"

Actor Xu took the child out, put it on the sofa, and turned back to the kitchen.

Little Taotie ran to catch up, and Emperor Xu hurriedly closed the kitchen door.

Little Taotie knocked on the door outside: "Open the door, let me do the dishes!"

No one pays attention to her.

Little Taotie was extremely frustrated, and returned to the sofa with his head drooped.

Gu Yixing looked sideways at the dejected little girl beside him, trying to hold back a smile, and asked, "You like washing dishes so much?"

"Cheng's mother has already cooked. It's very hard. I want to help her share some housework. I wash the dishes really clean and I don't break them. Why don't you believe me? When I was in the mountains, my grandfather was not at home. Sometimes, my mother always asks me to wash the dishes." Little Taotie sighed: "I really do the washing very well."

Gu Yixing pursed her lips, distress flashed in her eyes.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed the little Taotie's head, and said, "You don't need to do it yourself to share the housework."

Little Taotie was puzzled, his big eyes were full of doubts.

"You can buy a dishwasher, no one has to rush to wash the dishes, the dishwasher can do the work for you."

"Dishwasher?" Xiao Taotie remembered that the nanny never seemed to wash dishes.

"Is it a big iron box?" Little Taotie gestured at the size.

Gu Yixing nodded: "The dishwasher is very clean."

"Unfortunately, there are none here." Little Taotie lowered his head.

Gu Yixing smiled and said, "Let the program crew buy one."

The choreographer who heard everything: "..."

The already poor program group is getting worse!

But what to do?

The top-level eyes have already looked over, a bit fierce!
The director smiled wryly: "Buy it! Buy it now!"

Little Taotie cheered, "Mother Cheng doesn't have to be so tired!"

At night, Cheng Lu wanted to coax the little Taotie to sleep, and had already prepared many stories, but the little girl didn't need to coax her at all, she seemed to be tired long ago, and fell asleep right away.

After the child fell asleep, the three adults chatted for a while, and actor Xu shared some filming experience with Gu Yixing, after all, he is already an actor.

When the three of them went back to sleep, the director yawned: "I'm going to bed too, the photographer who changed shifts will replace you, so you go to bed earlier."

"Okay!" the photographer nodded.

After the director left, he called the young man who was changing shift, but he couldn't get through. He had no choice but to endure it.

He was already half asleep and half awake, and when he thought that there would be no shots to shoot in the middle of the night, he suddenly heard a sound.

It was a knock on the door.

The knock on the door was very soft, and there was a long pause before knocking again.

Little Taotie went to bed early, and now it was time to hold back his urine, so he woke up immediately when he heard the noise.

She got out of bed in a daze, rubbed her eyes and went out. When she came to the door, she opened it without thinking.

The photographer was in a hurry. Why didn't any adult wake up? He rushed forward to stop him, regardless of whether he was shooting or not.

But when he opened the door, it was not the villain in the photographer's imagination, but a little guy about the same age as Xiao Taotie.

The little boy's face was dirty, his nose was running, his big eyes were full of tears, and the tails of his eyes were red, as if he had just cried.

(End of this chapter)

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