Chapter 369 Look How Many Fans I Have
Seeing that the other party was not dangerous, the photographer returned to his post.

Gu Yixing listened to the music with headphones on, but didn't hear anything outside at all.

Because of his anorexia, Actor Xu would be awakened by the slightest sound, so he plugged his earplugs, so he couldn't hear anything outside at the moment.

Cheng Lu did a lot of housework. She was the first to come here to clean up the house, then bought and washed vegetables, and finally washed the dishes. Even though Best Actor Xu helped, she was still very tired and fell asleep when she returned to her room.

She was sleeping soundly at the moment, even thunder and rain could not wake her up.

Little Taotie originally wanted to wake them up, but after thinking that they were very tired, he didn't call someone, but invited this poor-looking brother into the house on his own initiative.

"Did you fall in the mud?"

The little boy blushed: "It's dark, the road is not easy to walk, I fell several times."

"Are you lost?"

"No, I came here specially."

Little Taotie was even more puzzled, and looked at him blankly, waiting for his explanation.

The little boy scratched his head in embarrassment: "I heard from people in the village that there are people filming shows here, so I came here. I was afraid of delaying your filming during the day, and I was afraid that grandpa would find out when I came out at night, so I didn't come out until grandpa fell asleep. "

"Do you want to shoot a show together?" Little Taotie asked.

The little boy shook his head quickly: "I want to ask you for help, I don't want to just sit on the TV."


The little boy nodded, with embarrassment on his face that he was afraid of being rejected: "The merchant who has been collecting oranges in the village suddenly lowered the price. He originally gave him oranges for one dollar a catty, but this time he only gave him thirty cents a catty, half of the usual price. No, the village head was very angry and refused to sell it to him!"

"Originally, the village head had already found someone to buy it, but the businessman deliberately disrupted the business, and the oranges were about to rot in the field. If no one bought them, the village head had no choice but to compromise."

"This..." Little Taotie was distressed: "Do you want us to buy it?"

"No, no, I was thinking that you guys are celebrities, maybe you can help us live broadcast and bring goods!"

"Live streaming?"

"Don't you know? My aunt always watches the live broadcast, and the live broadcast anchor will suddenly sell things. This is the live broadcast."

Little Taotie nodded: "Understood."

"Are those stars asleep?" The little boy yawned. "Can you let me sleep here for a while? When they wake up, I beg them."

Little Taotie straightened his back: "There is no need to wait for them to get up."

The little boy blinked, a little puzzled.

Little Taotie pointed to himself: "Please beg me, I can help you live broadcast and bring goods."

The little boy laughed out loud: "You must be a child of a celebrity family. You brought it here to shoot. How many people can watch your live broadcast? It will definitely not work. We have several oranges on the top of the mountain, and we must have at least 100 million fans. , otherwise it would not be sold at all.”

"Hey, if you can't sell it, it's going to rot. It's all the fault of the unscrupulous businessman!" The little boy clenched his fists and vowed in his heart: he must become stronger when he grows up!Let the unscrupulous businessman suffer!

Little Taotie took out his phone and hummed, "You underestimate me!"

She clicked on her own page, pointed the phone in front of his eyes, "Look clearly, how many fans do I have?"

The little boy opened his eyes wide in disbelief: "Three... more than 3000 million!"

The live broadcast that my aunt watched, the most popular anchor only has 500 million followers!
How can this girl who is about the same age as me be so powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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