Chapter 372 Buy Buy Buy Everyone Buy It
The cameraman saw the message in Xiao Taotie's live broadcast room, and hurriedly explained: "This is not the task of the program group, this is an emergency."

He said to the little boy: "When I hung up the connection, you can just explain to everyone what is going on and why the oranges in the village cannot be sold."

The little boy nodded obediently, and explained to the camera: "There has always been a businessman who regularly collects oranges in the village, and he receives them at a price of one yuan per catty every year. I only focus on growing oranges, and the oranges grown in the mountains here are sweet and juicy."

"But this year, the merchant suddenly lowered the price. From one yuan per catty, it suddenly became thirty cents per catty for receiving goods."

[My God, this is too cruel, just give me a [-]% discount! 】

[It is simply to "break the bones" of the peasants! 】

[Fruit farmers are so miserable, they have worked so hard all year long to wait for this little income, and they suddenly changed their minds!It's fine to reduce it by a dime or two, but it's so black, kill it to the end! 】

[I suspect that this is a trap set by the businessman. In the past two years, the price was one yuan per catty. When all the villagers planted oranges and there was no way out, they suddenly bargained down the price, and there was no way out! 】

[If the next buyer can't be found, the fruit grower will definitely have to admit defeat, and in the end this black-hearted businessman will succeed! 】

[Fuck, I look down on this kind of person the most, the money of the peasants will be robbed! 】

The little boy continued: "The grandpa of the village chief didn't want everyone to be tricked, so he managed to find another buyer, who would have disturbed him! If the delay continues, the first batch of oranges will soon be rotten. Sell ​​it to him!"

【hateful!How can there be such a bad person in this world! 】

[He lowered the price himself, and he didn't let the fruit farmers sell it to others!How wicked! 】

[This kind of person will definitely have retribution! 】

"In the past few days, the villagers have sighed and sighed. My grandfather is also worried. The grandfather of the village head can no longer think of a good solution. I have been trying to find a way, but I am too young to help at all."

"Yesterday, I heard that the village came to film the program. I thought that my aunt would buy things when watching the live broadcast, and there would be many people in the star's live broadcast room, so I came here to ask for help with the mentality of giving it a try!"

The little boy's eyes were red from crying just now, and now he is smiling cutely, with a little naivety, and his voice is full of joy: "I didn't expect that I would succeed and be able to help the villagers sell oranges! "

The cameraman hung up the connection in Xiaotaotie's live broadcast room, and said to the camera: "The connection has been connected, I hope everyone can help a group of mountainous fruit farmers, and don't let black-hearted businessmen succeed!"

【purchase!I buy ten boxes! 】

[I also buy ten boxes, and there will be no leftovers for relatives and friends! 】

[9.9!So cheap, this is the wholesale price!I also want ten boxes! 】

[Never let the unscrupulous businessman succeed!Buy buy buy! 】

[We bought them all, not leaving half an orange to the unscrupulous businessman! 】

【right!Everyone buy it! 】

[Hurry up and grab the oranges! 】

[Sales are soaring, I'm afraid I won't be able to grab them! 】

[I told my mother that a box of oranges costs 9.9, and my mother was shocked, saying that it costs a few dollars a catty outside! 】

[Better oranges, in first-tier cities, in better supermarkets, 9.9 per catty! 】

[I suspect that unscrupulous businessman, Sanmao bought here, and then went to the first-tier cities to sell for 10 yuan! 】

[It's too profitable! 】

[I just saw it on a certain website, Alpine oranges, five catties a box, buy two boxes for a discount!Ten catties have to be paid—58! 】

[58?Kids here only need 9.9!Can buy six boxes! 】

(End of this chapter)

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