Chapter 373 The Next Business Wizard

The photographer looked at the soaring sales, and felt turbulent in his heart.

Ignoring the high quality and low price of oranges, just looking at the number of people in Xiaotaotie's live broadcast room, there can be 100 million real and effective online people in the middle of the night, which means that you have mastered the traffic code.

This is just selling oranges, what if you sell other things?
The photographer can be sure that as soon as this matter is exposed, there will be a steady stream of invitations from Little Taotie!

【Gone! 】

[I didn't get it! 】

[I just asked my mother how many boxes she wanted, but when I counted up the quantity and came back to grab it, there were no more! 】

[Sold out!I was stunned! 】

[I didn't get it, so sad! 】

【Increased volume!Hurry up! 】

[Yes, please increase the amount! 】

The photographer asked the little boy if he wanted to increase the amount, and the little boy shook his head: "It should be the harvest, and add more when there is more."

"You're quite conservative." The photographer laughed.

The little boy blushed and asked: "Tomorrow I will ask the village chief grandpa to come to you. Can you tell him the situation in detail, I'm afraid I can't explain clearly."

"You're pretty good at talking." The photographer gave him a thumbs up, and he wasn't stingy with his praise: "You are great. If you can figure out this way to help the villagers, you are outstanding!"

[I think I see the future business genius! 】

[I also think this child is very unusual! 】

[Visual inspection is similar to Xiao Taotie, who looks five or six years old. I only know how to eat, drink and play when I am five or six years old. If I encounter such a thing, I will definitely wait for the adults to solve it. 】

[Ditto!I feel like I am mentally handicapped when I was five or six years old! 】

[No comparison, no harm! 】

[His way of thinking is different from ordinary people!Not only can he come up with a solution, he is also a man of action!If it were an ordinary child, he would definitely tell the adults what he wanted to do, and if the adults adopted it, he would let the adults operate it. 】

【Yes, if it were me, even if I could think of a way, I wouldn't be able to try it myself. 】

[A five or six-year-old kid, when the villagers couldn't sell oranges and the whole village sighed, he figured out a way to let people broadcast live, and took action to find celebrities to help!I think if this is not the arrangement of the program group, this kid will definitely be a god in the future! 】

[The next business wizard! 】

[Nowadays, children are so powerful, do you want to let the adults live? 】

[It looks silly, but I didn't expect it to be so smart, and it can be put into action. It's really good! 】

[People who are good in business, look at them, they are more or less simple, most people think that they look simple, but they are relatively simple and honest, and they like to make friends with such people and do business. 】

The live broadcast room was very noisy, everyone couldn't fall asleep, chatting enthusiastically, it seemed that Xiao Taotie didn't need to say anything, he could be high until dawn.

The sky was slightly bright, and the little boy said in a hurry: "I'm going back soon. When Grandpa gets up and sees that I'm not at home, he must be anxious!"

Little Taotie waved his hand: "Goodbye!"

The little boy waved his hand and ran home anxiously.

Little Taotie saw that the photographer uncle was yawning all the time, and asked, "Uncle, aren't you going to sleep?"

"Waiting for the shift change." He was glad that he didn't leave yesterday, otherwise he would have missed such a good content.

The shift changer came in a hurry. He was originally on the night shift, but he had a car accident and entered the police station. His mobile phone was dead, and he couldn't recite other people's mobile phone numbers.

As soon as he got out of the police station, he rushed over, saw the senior photographer, and apologized repeatedly.

It was not easy for the photographer to see this young man, and he waved his hand: "It's okay, accidents are beyond your control."

Little Taotie went back to the room and continued to sleep, and when he woke up, he also forgot what happened last night.

The photographer uncle fell asleep after returning, and did not inform the director.

When the village chief's grandfather stood in front of the director and talked about selling oranges, the director was dumbfounded.

"What? Selling oranges? I don't know?"

The village chief's grandfather was puzzled: "Didn't you sell oranges on live broadcast last night?"

The editor-director looked blankly: "I went to bed early last night, not to mention selling oranges live, and I didn't sell oranges in my dream."

(End of this chapter)

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