Chapter 395

Tired from playing during the day, Little Taotie returned to the cabin and fell asleep.

In the dream, she was also swimming in the sea, catching big lobsters.

Maybe because he dreamed of water, Xiao Taotie woke up in the middle of the night suffocated by urine, his little face was flushed from sleep, his eyes were foggy, and his little brows were wrinkled.

She didn't want to get up at all, but she was too anxious, she could only try her best to get up and climb out of the cabin.

As soon as there was any movement, Teacher Beibei, who was in a light sleep, woke up, and asked concerned: "Why did you wake up?"

"I..." Little Taotie blushed, a little shy.

Teacher Beibei understood in seconds, and asked, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Little Taotie nodded his head.

Teacher Beibei looked around and said, "Just find a place here..."

Little Taotie shook his head crazily: "I'm going to a farther place!"

Teacher Beibei frowned: "It's pitch black, aren't you afraid?"

Little Taotie jumped off the tree, because she just woke up, the landing was a little unstable, but fortunately, Teacher Beibei supported her.

Little Taotie ran away with a red face, and repeatedly asked Teacher Beibei to stand where he was and not to follow.

It would be embarrassing enough to solve it on the spot on the island, but if it was still done near the wooden house, in the dead of night, Little Taotie was worried that the sound of the water being released would be particularly loud.

After running for a long distance, the little Taotie found a big tree, looked up at the big tree in the sky, stretched out his hand to touch the trunk, and showed a mischievous smile: "I'll water you, hee hee!"

The wind blows and the leaves rustle, as if in protest.

Little Taotie covered his mouth and secretly smiled, then squatted down.

When he stood up, a man with disheveled hair, bloody clothes on his body, empty eyes, and his whole body shrouded in gray suddenly appeared in front of him—A Piao!
Little Taotie was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the wraith, and covered his face, "You are bad! Peep at me going to the toilet!"

A Piao stared at her with empty eyes, as if he couldn't understand what she was saying at all.

Little Taotie tied up his trouser belt, and said in a muffled voice, "Why don't you talk?"

"Crack?" Ah Piao said, with a rough and unpleasant voice.

Little Taotie took a closer look at her and found a big hole in the bloody coat.

Through this big hole, you can directly see the scenery behind A Piao. Obviously, there is not only a big hole in the bloody clothes, but also a big hole in A Piao's body.

The location of the hole is at the heart!

Little Taotie pointed to her heart, and asked, "Your heart was cut out, and that's why you died?"

"Ka?" Ah Piao's eyes were empty and blank.

Xiao Taotie recalled what Teacher Ma said, that the resentful spirits will gradually forget the events of their lives, and even forget how to organize their words.

"Can I swallow your resentment?"

Little Taotie was a little greedy, and looked at A Piao with big eyes blinking, like looking at a delicious candy.


"If you didn't shake your head, I'll take it as your agreement?"

The little Taotie jumped up and down happily, and stretched out his white and tender hands, a layer of golden light flashed away from the palm.

"When I take away the grievance, you may think of many things, and I can help you punish those who hurt you!"

Little Taotie's hand was pressed against Ah Piao's forehead, black and gray resentment was absorbed, and more and more.

Let's make a group of little gluttons, make a group of grievances into a purple candy.

When the resentment was drawn away, and a picture flashed across A Piao's eyes, she gradually regained her sanity, opened her mouth, and paused like a babbling child: "I, was, kidnapped, and was, torn up." ..."

Ah Piao stretched out his hand to caress the empty heart, and suddenly his eyes turned fierce, "No! It's not kidnapping! It's a conspiracy! A conspiracy!"

(End of this chapter)

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