Chapter 396 Doom is Bounced Back

"Conspiracy?" Little Taotie stuffed the purple candy into her mouth, and instantly the sweetness of the grapes filled her mouth. She narrowed her eyes happily, like a greedy kitten.

"I... can't remember clearly." Ah Piao covered his head with his hands, with a grim and painful expression.

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember, I will help you punish the bad guys who hurt you!" Little Taotie raised his hand, looked up into the distance, and made a shooting motion.

"Bad luck will come—huh?" Little Taotie was stunned for a moment.

Launched doom bounced back?

She looked at the doom in her hand, then at A Piao, and tilted her head in confusion: "This is the first time I have encountered such a situation, maybe... what magic weapon does the bad guy have?"

When Xiao Taotie helped Luo Hanchen's daughter, that poor little sister, to take revenge, the bad luck was emitted, but because the villain was wearing colorful relics, it formed a mask like a golden bell, and the bad luck could only linger in the Outside the mask, it cannot descend on the wicked.

Little Taotie felt that it should be a similar situation this time, there must be a magic weapon protecting the villain, and that magic weapon is so powerful that it rebounded the bad luck directly against the bad luck.

"Sister, you still have to think hard, who hurt you, now the bad luck has been bounced back."

Hearing this, Ah Piao covered her head hard, thinking hard, but those pictures were too long ago, and she was hit hard on the head before she died, so many memories are very blurred.

"Sister, think about it slowly. I'm so sleepy, I want to go back to sleep, come back to me when you're done thinking about it!"

Little Taotie waved his little hand at A Piao, and ran back to the cabin.

Teacher Beibei paced back and forth, and she was already anxious. Seeing her come back, she breathed a sigh of relief: "The sea breeze is very cold, right? Go back to sleep soon!"

Little Taotie rubbed his little hands, smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

She turned her head and glanced at A Piao Ruowu, then climbed up the tree and entered the cabin, A Piao also squeezed in.

Little Taotie closed the door of the cabin, and asked softly, "Have you thought about it?"

Ah Piao shook his head, his eyes were helpless and dazed.

Little Taotie sighed like a grown-up: "Why are there so many magic weapons to protect the wicked?"

Ah Piao drooped his head, dejected.

Seeing her like this, Little Taotie comforted her with a childish voice, "Sister, I will help you!"

She clenched her small fists and said fiercely, "Wicked people, there will be retribution!"

Ah Piao reached out to touch the little Taotie's head, but her hand went through the little Taotie's body.

A Piao felt empty, feeling even more depressed.

Little Taotie stretched out her hand, a golden light flashed in the palm of her hand, she gently held A Piao's hand with her small fleshy hand, and showed a sweet smile to A Piao, Xiao Li's dimple was deep.

A Piao's eyes widened in surprise, she never expected to be able to feel the warmth of the little girl's palm in her transformation into A Piao.

Little Taotie can't last for too long, she has only recently mastered this kind of power, except when her strength explodes, she can contact spirit bodies for a long time, and at other times, she can only contact spirit bodies for three breaths.

When the time for three breaths is up, the hands of Xiao Taotie and A Piao pass through each other.

Little Taotie scratched his head: "When I become stronger, I can last longer!"

Ah Piao said softly: "I'm already very satisfied."

"Sister, have you been on this island since you became a wraith?"

Ah Piao nodded, looked at the sea, and said softly, "I was kidnapped to this island. I died here, and no one found me. My body has always been here, and I can only wander around the island."

(End of this chapter)

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