Chapter 397 Director, Get Out

"Bad luck has been bounced back, you can't punish the wicked, and if your grievances can't be resolved, you can't be reincarnated, and you can only stay on this island forever." Little Taotie frowned, thinking hard.

She regretted that when Mr. Ma was in class, she sometimes lost her mind.

Originally, she was not very happy to learn metaphysics.

But now seeing a big hole in her heart, the poor sister Ah Piao felt that if she studied hard, she might be able to help her.

Ah Piao Xuxu nodded the little Taotie's eyebrows, she smiled softly: "It's okay, don't frown. It's thanks to you that I regained my sobriety, if it wasn't for your help, I would be just a wandering soul without sanity now."

"I will definitely find a way to help you!" Little Taotie clenched his fists and promised.

"Little Taotie, who are you talking to?" Teacher Beibei asked.

Little Taotie covered his mouth, he was agitated for a moment and couldn't control the decibels well.

"No...not talking to anyone." Little Taotie thought to himself: This shouldn't be considered a lie, right?Sister Ah Piao is not a human being, and I didn't talk to anyone.

"Then are you talking in your sleep? Or are you talking to yourself?"

"I..." Little Taotie faltered.

"Go to sleep." Teacher Beibei didn't want to embarrass the little girl.

Little Taotie breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly responded, "Okay!"

A Piao was afraid of disturbing the little Taotie, so he said softly, "I'm going to the beach to see the sea."

Little Taotie yawned, "Good!"

A Piao Piao left, and soon, the little Taotie fell asleep.


The next day, Little Taotie was woken up by the sunlight, covered his eyes with his small hands and lay on the bed for a while, until the drowsiness disappeared, and then he got up.

She couldn't tell if she had a dream last night or if she really saw a sister A Piao with a big hole in her heart.

She jumped off the tree and looked at the beach, but she did not see A Piao who said she would go to the beach to see the sea last night.

"Disappeared? Or is it just a dream?"

"What did you whisper?" Gu Yixing asked.

Little Taotie shook his head and rubbed his belly: "I'm hungry!"

Gu Yixing handed her the grilled mushrooms, and said with a smile, "Today is the third day, after today, we will pass the test!"

Today's itinerary is similar to yesterday's. Xiao Taotie likes to explore very much. He explores with Teacher Beibei, climbs trees to find fruits, goes to the sea to find food, and finds caves on the island...

The day is going to pass soon, the sun is about to set, and the program team sent a staff member.

The staff first congratulated them for passing the three-day trial.

"Trial?" Gu Yixing frowned, the meaning of this word is very subtle!

The staff bit the bullet, and said under the unkind eyes of Xu Yingdi and Gu Yixing: "The real mission is coming. If you complete the mission, you will have a big meal. If you can't complete the mission, one of the guests will be kidnapped."

"Director, get out!" Xu Yingdi yelled.

Gu Yixing put on a serious face: "We are not here to participate in desert island survival, nor are we here to participate in competitive variety shows! We are obviously participating in leisure variety show Pastoral Life! I think the show has violated the contract!"

Originally, the director wanted to hide for a while, but now he couldn't hide, so he could only stand up.

Choreographer: "The garden needs to be reclaimed by yourself, the whole island can be turned into a garden..."

Under Gu Yixing's dangerous eyes, the editor and director couldn't go on talking nonsense, coughing dryly, wondering: "These three days are not difficult at all for you, the show is really boring, didn't I try my best to make the show more exciting?" ?”

"Don't worry, it's not difficult. After you complete the task, there will be a luxurious meal. Don't you want to eat it?"

The director looked at Xiao Taotie, and used food to lure him: "There will be cakes of all kinds, all kinds of seafood, and chicken, duck, beef and sheep! Xiao Taotie can also order food, and I will have someone prepare it for you if you order it!"

(End of this chapter)

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