Chapter 398
Little Taotie blinked his eyes wide: "Cod fish hamburger?"




"egg tart?"


Xiao Taotie reported several dishes in a row, and the director assured him: "There are all of them!"

Gu Yixing and Xu Yingdi looked at each other, and cursed at the same time in their hearts: "Old fox!"
Once the choreographer has mastered Xiao Taotie's stomach, he has mastered everyone.

Gu Yixing saw that the little Taotie had eaten seafood for three days, and the child couldn't even eat dessert, and the nutritional imbalance was not good, so he let go and said, "Okay, continue recording the show."

The director took a deep breath and looked at Best Actor Xu.

Actor Xu is anorexic, and the task reward is a big meal, which has no temptation for him.

But he looked at Cheng Lu who swallowed his saliva, thinking that Cheng Lu ate some mushroom skewers yesterday and hadn't eaten anything today, so he sighed helplessly: "Continue recording."

The editor and director breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Please, flying guest!"

The helicopter hovered over the sky, received instructions, and landed on the island.

Little Taotie saw an acquaintance, waved his little hand, and shouted: "Little Ganoderma lucidum!"

Lin Zhi responded, "You little glutton!"

The two little girls ran towards each other, approached, held each other's hand, and jumped up and down.

Little Taotie was excited: "Why are you here?"

Lin Zhi giggled: "The manager said you were on this show, so I volunteered to sign up! I didn't succeed, but suddenly I got a call saying that the show needs flying guests, and asked me if I would like to come! Of course I want to come!"

Little Taotie took her to see his cabin: "Sitting on the roof at night to watch the stars, the sky full of stars is so beautiful!"

Lin Zhi looked at the big tree, then at the cabin, and asked, "Is there no ladder?"

Little Taotie climbed up the tree two or three times, "Look, it's easy to climb up, no ladder is needed."

Lin Zhi: "...I think I need it."

When the two children were reminiscing and playing in the cabin, many people came down from the helicopter one after another.

There are a few familiar faces, guests from other families when the pastoral life started, and some people in uniforms.

A row of people, a total of 12 people, there are men and women, all seem to be fitness experts.

"What exactly is the mission?" Best Actor Xu had a bad feeling.

The director ran away, leaving the poor and helpless staff to face the actor's murderous eyes.

The staff tremblingly said: "Lin Zhi is a kidnapped hostage, you must rescue the hostage and escape their pursuit."

Emperor Xu was angry: "Twelve people arrested five of us? At the same time, we have to rescue the hostages? No wonder the director is so generous. Little Taotie can eat whatever he wants. It is absolutely certain that we will not be able to complete the task and eat at all !"

The staff smiled awkwardly: "The task has been issued, I...Leave first."

"Stop!" Gu Yixing said coldly, "If we can't rescue the hostages, what punishment will we have?"

The staff made a bitter face: "After they started arresting you, all five of them were caught, and the mission failed."

"No punishment after failure?"

"This..." The staff wondered: "There is a punishment, and one of you will be trapped in the next episode."

"Hehe! Awesome!" Gu Yixing clapped his hands and sneered: "This is all a routine, even the next issue is locked! Is it certain that we will not be able to complete the task?"

The staff ran away as fast as they could, not daring to stay for a moment.

When the director saw him come back, he was annoyed: "You are a referee, what are you doing here? I'm still waiting for you to start!"

(End of this chapter)

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