Chapter 400 Cleaned up the traces

Every time Teacher Beibei walked a certain distance, she would stop vigilantly, look around, and even lie down with her ears pressed to the ground to listen. If she didn't hear anything unusual, she would move on.

At the same time, the cameraman took off the blindfolds of 12 people, "You can hide the children now."

After the 12 people discussed, two people were sent to guard Xiao Lingzhi, and the other ten people were arrested across the island.

They thought that the five Xiao Taotie would be divided into groups, but they were not sure how to divide them. The final strategy they set was to divide ten people into five groups, and arrest them in groups of two or two.

Half an hour later, the sound of the loudspeaker resounded throughout the island: "It's started! Hunters are starting to catch your prey! Prey, remember to hide and rescue your partners at the same time!"

The cameraman put down the loudspeaker, ran back to his post, and pushed the director away: "Let me shoot!"

The director was speechless, never seen him love his post so much.

In fact, the cameraman just wants to use the lens to zoom in on the small island to see the overall situation clearly.


The men in field uniforms were hiding in the woods, lying on the ground and crawling forward, making very little movement.


But even so, Teacher Beibei still found out.

Teacher Beibei put her ears to the ground, and when she heard something, she immediately picked up the little Taotie and ran wildly.

"Did they find us?"

"Yes, they're coming soon."

Little Taotie hugged Teacher Beibei's neck obediently, very cooperative.

When the two men came to this place, they could only see footprints, but no people.

"It's Little Taotie and Teacher Beibei." One said.

"So sure?"

"Only Teacher Beibei would be so vigilant. The small footprints on the ground belonged to Xiao Taotie. Only children have such small feet."

"Then what should we do next? Chase them in the direction they fled?"

"Are you kidding me? Together, the two of us are no match for Teacher Beibei!"

"Let's find a few people over here!"

One of them took out a communication device: "I found Teacher Beibei and Xiao Taotie."


One person sends the location.

Soon, two people rushed over, and four people gathered.

"Can the four of us deal with Teacher Beibei?"

"I feel very suspended."

"Aren't you so cowardly? We are four of us, what are we afraid of!"

"He is not a beast of the lake!"

"He is a man more powerful than the beasts in the lake!"

"Yes, very powerful! His fighting skills are very powerful. I was lucky enough to fight against him, and he fell down in three strokes!"

"Three strokes? Is it too exaggerated?"

"He is a strong man who survives in the wild, a man who can confront a leopard!"

"If you have the confidence to defeat the leopard, you can fight him!"

"Ugh! Shall we call some more?"

The four were very timid, so they called two more.

The six people finally gained confidence and chased in the direction of the footprints.


Teacher Beibei cleaned up the footprints and showed a mocking smile.

He had already guessed that those people were grouped, but he didn't expect to be so cowardly.

Even if they were grouped, they would definitely be in groups of two, but they didn't catch up immediately.There was only one reason for staying where he was, and that was to wait for backup, but it gave him a lot of time to clean up the traces.


After chasing for a long time, the six finally stopped and looked at each other.

"The footprints are gone!" One person was annoyed.

"I lost my track!" One person sighed, "I knew it would be like this..."

"Chasing! Let's chase separately!"

"It must be impossible to catch up. Let's catch the other three first?"

(End of this chapter)

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