Chapter 401 The filming was forced to end
The sound of the loudspeaker resounded throughout the island: "Actor Xu has been arrested!"

Gu Yixing and Cheng Lu ran away in embarrassment, followed by the footsteps of pursuers.

Cheng Lu was sweating, her hair was disheveled, her eyes were full of tears, and she was gasping for breath: "He was arrested to save me!"

The three were found and ran away crazily. The last one was Cheng Lu, who was almost caught. It was Xu Yingdi who turned back and pushed her forward, blocking those people.

Actor Xu could only fight for them for a short time, because there were four people on the other side, and they were finally picked up by two of them and taken away.

Gu Yixing glanced back at the two who were about to catch up, his expression sank, "Let's run separately!"

Cheng Lu was so tired that she wiped off her sweat: "I really can't run anymore. I'll help you block them and buy you time."

Gu Yixing disagreed, and shook his head: "We split up, they might chase separately, I can deal with one, after I deal with that person, I will come to save you!"

Cheng Lu took a deep breath and smiled wryly: "I'm afraid I will be arrested if I don't insist on you coming."

"So you have to work hard!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yixing turned around and ran to the left.

Cheng Lu took a deep breath, even though her legs were weak and she gritted her teeth, she tried her best to gather all her strength and ran forward.

The two legs seemed to be filled with lead, and it became difficult to breathe with every step. The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and Cheng Lu's eyes were a little desperate.

Suddenly, I stumbled!
Cheng Lu tripped over something and fell to the ground.

She thought to herself: It's over!That person must have caught up, I can't wait until Gu Yixing comes to rescue him!
But no one came forward to grab her, she looked up blankly.

The person chasing her was a guest invited by the pastoral life, a third-tier actress who is famous in martial arts scenes.

At this moment, the actress with some kung fu skills was as pale as paper, covering her mouth with a frightened expression.

Feeling baffled, Cheng Lu followed the star's eyes and looked at the culprit who tripped her up—the skeleton!

Cheng Lu's scream was extremely high decibel, and even broke when it reached the high point.

The two women who were enemies completely forgot that they were hostile before, and they hugged each other tremblingly.

Cheng Lu: "Maybe the show crew intentionally scares us, maybe it's props..."

Actress: "I'm...sure it's a real human skeleton."

Cheng Lu: "Don't scare me..."

The actress's voice trembled: "Before I entered the entertainment industry, I wanted to be a doctor..."

Cheng Lu: "Hush! Don't talk!"

Cheng Lu covered her ears with both hands, not wanting to hear it at all.

Hearing their screams, the choreographer asked, "What happened?"

The cameraman zoomed in on the lens, squinted his eyes and looked carefully, and finally fixed his eyes on a skeleton.

The cameraman trembled: "You see for yourself!"

"Why are you still stuttering?" The editor and director were puzzled, and when he looked closer, his whole body became ill instantly, and asked the props team: "You guys have nothing to do to scare them with this kind of thing, what if something bad happens?"

The innocent prop crew shook their heads frantically: "No, we don't!"

"No! You have!" At this moment, the director only hoped that this was a prop deliberately placed by a prank staff member.

Photographer: "It's over!"

"Shut up, you! If you stutter, don't talk!" the director roared.

The filming was forced to end, and the director said with a bitter face: "It seems that this episode of the show cannot be broadcast."

Little Taotie was carried by Teacher Beibei to the resting place of the program group, where everyone gathered.

Little Taotie tilted his head and asked blankly, "Why can't it be played?"

Cheng Lu trembled: "On the island..." There was a murder case!
She immediately stopped the sound, only then did she realize that it was the little Taotie who was asking, and she didn't want the little Taotie to know such a terrible thing, so she shook her head and said, "It's okay, be good, don't ask."

(End of this chapter)

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