Chapter 407 Wang Yueji found no such person

Ah Piao's face was in extreme pain, she stretched out her arms to hold her head, dark red blood flowed down from her head, ran along her forehead, across her cheeks, dripped down her chin, and fell drop by drop on the ground...

Even though she is only a spirit body, she can still feel the pain from the soul, which is the pain that is deeply imprinted into the soul at the moment of death.

"Sister, don't think about it!"

Little Taotie rushed over and hugged A Piao, her arms flashed a golden light, and after a brief hug for three breaths, Little Taotie's arms penetrated A Piao's body.

But these short three breaths were enough to calm Ah Piao, the dark red blood turned into blue smoke and disappeared, and she recovered her original dim spirit image.

From the perspective of the male policeman, he couldn't see Ah Piao who was bleeding profusely and was in endless pain. He only saw the little Taotie rushing towards nothingness suddenly, and made a gesture of hugging.

The weirdest thing was that he actually felt that Xiao Taotie was hugged by her!
I really hugged something!
If this was a silent pantomime, he really wanted to applaud, because Xiao Taotie acted so well, it gave the audience the feeling that she was really hugging something or someone.

But at this moment, the male policeman who believed in the existence of A Piao couldn't help sweating on his back. At this moment, it was not difficult for him to imagine that it was A Piao that Little Taotie was hugging!
Little Taotie comforted Sister Ah Piao, and when she saw that her mood had stabilized, she said in a childish voice, "Sister, don't think about it anymore, let the police uncle help you investigate."

The corners of A Piao's eyes drooped, and he said mournfully, "I'm useless."

"Don't blame my sister. My sister forgot because of her head injury."

A Piao sighed: "I can only vaguely remember that my name is Wang Rose, the rose of the rose flower."

Little Taotie nodded, turned to look at the male policeman whose pupils were shaking and couldn't calm down for a long time, and said in a childish voice, "Uncle policeman, my sister can't remember who killed her, she can only remember her own name, she It is called Wang rose, the rose of rose flower."

The male policeman stood up excitedly: "Okay, I'll let someone check it! It's good to have a name, and it will be found soon!"

The male policeman came and went in a hurry, but he left a gift for Xiao Taotie, saying that it was an apology gift for Xiao Taotie because he misunderstood Xiao Taotie before.

Little Taotie originally refused to accept him because the male policeman said that if he refused to accept him, he would not forgive him from the bottom of his heart.

Little Taotie opened the gift bag, and inside the bag was a shiny headband with sparkling little diamonds in the shape of small flowers.

Cheng Guodong came over, picked up the headband and looked at it again and again.

Qin Xin frowned: "What are you looking at? I don't see my sister, I'm in a hurry!"

Cheng Guodong looked down, and saw the little Taotie eagerly looking at the headband, as if he was afraid that he would accidentally break it off.

Cheng Guodong couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head, put the headband on his younger sister lightly, and boasted: "I didn't expect the police to have such a good eye, it's very suitable for little Taotie, very beautiful!"

Little Taotie's big beautiful eyes lit up, and he trotted all the way to look in the mirror.

Cheng Guodong: "It looks like it was handmade, not bought. He has a heart."

Qin Xin was taken aback: "The police did it themselves?"

Recalling the upright Chinese-character face, and fantasizing about his appearance as a headband, Qin Xin twitched his mouth: "It's really versatile!"

Little Taotie stood in front of the mirror, with his small face close to the mirror, turned his head to look at the left side, and turned his head to look at the right side.

Sister A Piao beside her boasted, "Very beautiful."

Little Taotie looked at Sister A Piao beside her, and then looked at the mirror, but Sister A Piao standing beside her was not reflected in the mirror.

When the male policeman returned to the station, he asked someone to look up the name "Wang Yueji" immediately.

The policewoman frowned: "The deceased has been dead for 20 years, and the forensic doctor identified the bone age as 20 years old. Now he is 40 years old. However, there is no such person who is called Wang Rose in the whole country and is already 40 years old."

(End of this chapter)

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