Chapter 408 Mo Haihao Wearing Sunglasses

"Impossible! Her name is Wang Yueji, how could she not find out?"

"Head, don't get excited, is there something wrong?"

"How can I not be excited!" The male policeman scratched his head: "This case has no clue, and it is a case from 20 years ago. If no clues can be found, the file may be sealed and it will no longer be regarded as an unsolved case." investigation!"

"...There is no other way."

"What do you mean there is no way! As the police, we should try our best! When encountering difficulties, if we say there is no way, can we evade responsibility!"

The male policeman roared angrily, startling the female policeman.

After yelling, the male policeman felt a little regretful, scratched his head in a breakdown, and hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't control my emotions well..."

"It's okay, I understand."

The male policeman took a deep breath, and his mood gradually stabilized. He looked out of the window. It was a sunny day, but his heart felt slightly cold.

An old policeman thought about it for a while, and said, "Rose, could it be a nickname? Rural people like to name girls Daya Erya Rose Lily. These are nicknames, and they are not the same as the big name on the household registration book." Not the same. I think we should look up the surname Wang, about 40 years old, female missing persons."

"Ginger is still old and spicy! This method is good, you guys go and investigate!" The male policeman regained his enthusiasm.

This range is too large, and the policewoman brought a bunch of documents.

All the empty policemen came to help, trying to find clues. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

The male policeman looked up and saw a tall man standing at the door, wearing a black leather jacket, sunglasses, and combing his hair back. He looked like a black boss.

Anyway, not like a serious person.

The male policeman asked cautiously, "Who are you looking for?"

The visitor took off his sunglasses and exclaimed, "The police station is still the cleanest."

He rubbed his nose, "I wear sunglasses every day, and the bridge of my nose is almost collapsed."

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Mo Haihao, and I am from the special department."

He took out his ID to show, smiling.

After taking off his sunglasses, he revealed a pair of Ruifeng eyes, and when he narrowed his eyes slightly, the tails of his eyes were raised up, revealing a bit of bewitchment.

"Special... special department?" The policewoman covered her mouth in surprise, and said softly, "There really is such a department?"

Mo Haihao shook the ID in his hand, and smiled: "I have seen the ID, do you still doubt me?"

The policewoman immediately shook her head, "No, no, I didn't suspect you!"

There is a villain in her heart screaming crazily: So handsome!The colleagues in the special department are too handsome!Visually measuring 1.9 meters, long legs, Ruifeng eyes are good-looking... No way, I'm going to be a nympho!

The male policeman confirmed the certificate again, and then he believed him, frowning: "What are you doing here?"

"There is a case where you haven't been able to find a clue for a long time, and you have no clue at all. The superior originally wanted to close the case, but because the case is bad, after all, it is too inhumane to poach one's heart, so let me come to assist you."

Mo Haihao played with the sunglasses in his hand, and finally put them on, smiling: "Take me to meet the deceased."

In the past, the male policeman might not be able to understand what he meant, but at this moment he understood instantly, and asked tentatively, "You...can you see her?"

Mo Haihao looked at him in surprise, but because he was wearing sunglasses, no one could see the shock in his eyes.

The male policeman lowered his voice: "I mean, can you see...Ah Piao?"

(End of this chapter)

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