Chapter 409 Mo Haihao's Yin-Yang Eyes
Mo Haihao stood up suddenly, and the sunglasses fell to the ground.

Those pupils turned from white to black in an instant, although it was only for a short time, but all the policemen present were very keen, and they all noticed this abnormality.

The male policeman pointed to his eyes, hesitant to speak.

Mo Haihao covered his eyes, squatted down and picked up the sunglasses on the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Sorry, I couldn't control it for a while."

When he wears sunglasses, his eyes will naturally appear yin and yang, and one pupil will turn white. When he takes off the sunglasses, he will control it and make it return to black.This time I was too excited, the sunglasses fell off, and I didn't recover immediately, and I saw something abnormal.

" can see Ah Piao, right?" the male policeman asked.

Mo Haihao didn't deny it, nor did he admit it, he just smiled inexplicably: "Take me to see the deceased."

The male policeman nodded in agreement. Since he was sent by the superior to assist in the investigation, he must be capable.


Mo Haihao stood beside the skeleton and took off his sunglasses. One pupil of those Ruifeng eyes was black and the other pupil was white.

There seems to be a strange smoke rising from the depth of the white pupil, and it seems that the thick smoke covers the surface of the pupil, forming this strange white pupil.

Mo Haihao glanced around, slightly surprised.

The grievances who died wronged dissipated?
Or, was it swallowed by evil spirits?

Or, there was no resentment at all, and she was reincarnated early?
It has been 20 years, and there are countless possibilities, resulting in the situation that the spirit body cannot be seen now.

Generally, the spirit body of the deceased will stay around the corpse and will not leave very far.

Mo Haihao frowned tightly, and finally put on his glasses, "I'm going to a small island, come with me?"

The male policeman hesitated to speak, and finally just nodded in agreement.

Mo Haihao could see that the male policeman was a little abnormal. In fact, since the male policeman mentioned Ah Piao, he had already paid close attention to the male policeman.

"I was sent to assist in the investigation. If you have anything inconvenient to say, there is no need to tell me. It's just that after a month, if there is still no progress in the case, I will leave and the case will be sealed."

The male policeman thought twice, and under Mo Haihao's gaze, he said slowly: "The one who found a skeleton on the island was an artist who filmed a variety show on the island, and there was a little girl among them, who was a little special."

"Special?" Mo Haihao laughed: "I'm from the special department, and she's a little special. It seems that we are very destined. How about taking me to meet her?"

The male policeman hesitated: "Don't scare her, she is still young."

"Tsk!" Mo Haihao smiled: "If she is really special, do you think I can scare her?"

This statement is full of profound meaning.

It seems to be saying: Even A Piao is not afraid anymore, just me, can I scare her?
The male policeman scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'll call her first to communicate."

Mo Haihao spread his hands: "All right."

The male policeman avoided Mo Haihao and called Xiao Taotie himself, "Little Taotie, there is a person from the special department, he seems to be able to see A Piao, is that A Piao still at your house? Can I bring him here? "

Little Taotie asked childishly, "Are you here to investigate the case and help sister find the murderer?"

"Yes!" The male policeman sighed: "We didn't find Wang Yueji, time is running out, so we can only use some special methods, otherwise the case will be closed, and it will be difficult to reverse the case and re-investigate."

Little Taotie felt a sense of urgency, and softly asked sister A Piao beside her: "Someone can see you and want to investigate the case to help you, would you like to meet?"

(End of this chapter)

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