The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 410 Hurry up and pay attention to my headband

Chapter 410 Hurry up and pay attention to my headband
With sister A Piao's consent, Xiao Taotie responded to the other end of the phone: "Okay, you bring him here!"

The male policeman breathed a sigh of relief and brought the good news to Mo Haihao.

Mo Haihao put on sunglasses, "It's really exciting to meet an interesting kid."

He had already figured it out in his heart, and the special department was in urgent need of talents.

If you start training from a young age!
Hey, I will definitely be able to provoke the leader in the future!
Little Taotie didn't know that someone was already eyeing her, thinking of adding a burden of study to her.

Xiao Taotie opened the live broadcast room, since she went to the small island, she has not opened a live broadcast room.

As soon as her live broadcast room opened, a large number of people poured in.

[I haven't seen Zai Zai for a long time, Mama Zai Zai misses you! 】

[Without Zai Zai's air kiss and good night, I can't sleep at night~~~]

[Zai Zai is going to shoot rural life, right?What is the next issue, can you tell me? 】

[Zizai, all the oranges I snatched are here, they are super sweet and delicious! 】

[I also received mine, when will you bring the goods again, Zai Zai?If you have something good, remember to share it with us! 】……

A meteor shower started, and then many people started smashing gifts, and the live broadcast room was a bit stuck.

The messages were swiped so fast that Little Taotie didn't have time to read them, so he could only reply to whatever he saw.

"I'm going to film a show, but brother Gu Bei said that I can't tell you, because I signed a non-disclosure agreement and need to keep it secret!"

Little Taotie put his fingers against his lips, pouted his lips, and made a cute expression of silence.

[I'm so cute! 】

[It's too patient!Take a big breath! 】

[Zai Zai is so cured, I broke up with my boyfriend today, I was in a bad mood, but after seeing Zai Zai, all worries are gone!What is a man, nothing compares to a smile from Zai Zai! 】

[Sister upstairs, I sympathize with you for a second. 】

[I've taken a screenshot and am going to make an emoticon package, it's so cute! 】

[Hey, I recorded the screen, I can make animations! 】

[When you are done, remember to share with the fan group, don't enjoy it alone! 】

Little Taotie started to show off his new headband. Little Taotie moved his head close to the camera, but without saying a word, he touched his headband from time to time, looking at the camera quietly with small eyes, and his eyes moved around.

[Why do I feel that Zai Zai suddenly became a thief? 】

[I feel the same way, I suddenly become weird! 】

【What is Zai Zai doing? 】

【She keeps touching her head, does she have a headache? 】

[Hahaha, I died laughing! 】

[Upstairs, what are you laughing at, tell everyone to laugh too~]

[Okay, tell me to make you laugh too!Hahaha, she is not touching her head, she is touching the headband, please pay attention to the details! 】

[Touch the headband? 】

[When you say that, it seems to be true! 】

【Hahaha, is Zai Zai showing us her new headband? 】

[Look at her little eyes, she is clearly wandering between showing off and not showing off, expecting us to find out by ourselves, and then praise her! 】

[Laughing, Zai Zai is too cute! 】

[Don't guess what a little girl is thinking, guessing is a mystery, no matter how old a little girl is, she has a seven-aperture exquisite heart! 】

[Hurry up and praise Zai Zai, she must be waiting impatiently! 】

Immediately afterwards, a group of bottomless viewers in the live broadcast room started blowing rainbow farts.

[Zai Zai's headband is really pretty, matching with Zai Zai's face, the skin is whiter, the eyes are bigger and brighter, like a little fairy! 】

【Zai Zai is the brightest boy! 】

【Zizai is the best, the most beautiful and the cutest, the headband is so beautiful, it looks like the stars in the sky are falling on your head! 】

[Like an angel's halo, Zai Zai is the most beautiful little angel! 】……

Little Taotie blushed, and was so happy that everyone finally noticed my new headband!

Her milky voice dazzled: "This is given to me by the police uncle, hee hee!"

(End of this chapter)

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