Chapter 411

[Why did the police uncle give the cub a headband?Also a fan of Zai Zai? 】

[Isn't the point, why did Zai Zai know the police? 】

[Is it involved in any case?My brain is wide open, very curious! 】

[Upstairs, keep your imagination, don't think too much, Zai Zai can be involved in any major case, she is only a six-year-old child. 】

[I can't hold back after my brain opening, will it be involved in a murder case or something? 】

[Upstairs, stop your dangerous remarks! 】

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of Xiao Taotie's room, and Xiao Taotie put down his phone to open the door.

Cheng Guodong stood at the door: "The police are here, saying they are here to investigate the murder case on the island."

"Come so soon?" Little Taotie closed the door and followed Cheng Guodong away.

On the mobile phone left in the room, messages in the live broadcast room frantically swiped:

[My God, my brain hole... is it right? 】

[Island murder?horror film? 】

【I am a little scared……】

[I have a question, what island has Little Taotie been to? 】

[By the way, there is a female star who left a message on the W blog to participate in the pastoral life program, as a flying guest, and to go to a small island or something! 】

[In other words, the next episode of Pastoral Life will be on a small island. Have they gone to the island to record together?Encountered a murder case on the island? 】

[God!Think carefully!The program of pastoral life will not be blocked again, will it? 】

[After the disfigurement incident, the pastoral life was almost completely suspended, and the ban was finally lifted. What happened again? 】

【It's over! 】

[I predict that even if the pastoral life will continue to be broadcast, this episode of Xiaodao's program will definitely not be broadcast and will be deleted! 】

【I'm so curious, what kind of case is it! 】

【Same as above! 】


Little Taotie arrived at the study, followed by Sister A Piao.

As soon as he entered the study, he saw a man in a leather jacket take off his sunglasses and hurried over.

Little Taotie tilted her head, and saw him walking past her, directly in front of Sister A Piao.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Mo Haihao. I will help you find the murderer and help you resolve—"

His voice froze, and he looked up and down A Piao in front of him in surprise.

Spiritual body?

Simple spiritual body?
No resentment?

how can that be!

A pure spiritual body staying in the human world for 20 years is simply...impossible!

"You... good." Ah Piao's voice was very soft, with a hint of timidity.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you. Although I don't know why you don't have resentment, it doesn't prevent me from helping you find the murderer and giving you peace."

Little Taotie stretched out his hand and tugged at the hem of the man's clothes.

Mo Haihao lowered his head and met a pair of beautiful big eyes.

These eyes are clean and clear, and the bottoms of the eyes are shining, like the night sky is full of bright stars.

"Big brother, I've eaten up sister Ah Piao's resentment!" Xiao Taotie pointed to his own small mouth, showing a shy smile, Xiao Li dimpled slightly, and lowered his eyes in embarrassment.

"Eat? Eaten?"

Mo Haihao has encountered too many special events, and this is the first time he has encountered such a bizarre thing.

Can resentment be eaten?

Are you sure this kind of thing won't detract from your Daoxing?

Mo Haihao carefully observed the little girl in front of him, his eyes turned into a white pupil and a black pupil.

There was a golden light flashing in the depths of the white pupils, and from his perspective, a golden light flashed on the little girl's body, this is—the light of merit!
It's unbelievable that at such a young age, he has meritorious deeds all over his body!

(End of this chapter)

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