The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 419 I don't lie to people, I just lie to ghosts

Chapter 419 I don't lie to people, I just lie to ghosts
The male policeman was stupefied by his operation, and he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, "Are you trying to lie?"

Mo Haihao shook his finger, "How could I lie to others?"

"I don't lie." He pressed the print button, walked to the printer and waited, with a faint smile: "I'm just lying to ghosts."

The male policeman frowned: "Why bother?"

"It's too miserable, always give some hope."

"She's already dead..."

"Death does not mean that the soul is gone, the spirit body will still feel pain."

"...Your special department still needs to consider Ah Piao's feelings?"

"There is no rule, but if you can let them leave with ease, why not do it?"

"What if I find out your lie and trouble you?"

Mo Haihao shrugged: "Nothing happens."

The male policeman raised his thumb: "You are more difficult than us."

"We are all colleagues. You serve the people, and we are similar." Mo Haihao got the newly released photos and materials and put them in the file bag. "I'm fully prepared! It's time for you to start arresting people!"

The male policeman nodded: "This case is extremely bad, we can't make any big moves, so as not to attract the attention of the media..."

The female policeman hurried over: "It's over, it's over, the desert island murder case has been exposed!"

"How is it possible? Everything is going on in secret!"

"Look for yourself! It's all on the hot search!"

The male policeman almost shook his hand and threw the phone out.

The policewoman held her phone steady, annoyed: "My phone! If it breaks, you will pay for it!"

The male policeman looked at the brand of the mobile phone, the latest model, none of which could not be obtained for 8000 yuan, and his hands stopped shaking instantly, very stable!

Female policeman: "The reason is that the martial arts actress revealed that the island had an accident, and the show might be deleted. Then, during the live broadcast of Xiao Taotie, you happened to come to the door. The word "murder case" came from the live broadcast room. And then A few staff members of the pastoral life program team accidentally slipped their mouths while drinking and eating. All aspects added up, basically there is a general idea, and the media is so sensitive, they immediately caught their attention!"

Male policeman: "Hey, the pressure of public opinion is enough to make the incident a hundred times more complicated!"

"What should we do now? Do we want to speak up here?"

"In order to prevent them from spreading it indiscriminately, let's issue a statement."

"Okay, I'm going to write now!"

The female policeman went to write a statement, and the male policeman couldn't be idle, calling his superiors to report the matter.


Mo Haihao got into the car, turned his head, and saw Ah Piao sitting in the back parking space.

"How did you come?"

"I... want to see the photos."

Mo Haihao opened the file bag, took out the photos and documents and spread them on the co-pilot seat.

Ah Piao moved closer to the two photos, and when she saw the photo of the middle-aged woman, her eyes were almost glued together. She said softly, "My eyes are very similar to hers..."

Mo Haihao nodded: "It's very similar."

When looking for a photo, he specifically found a portrait.

Fortunately, the woman with too much apple muscle was completely unrecognizable. In fact, it is easy to see through the lies if she finds out the previous photos of the woman, because Ah Piao is [-]% similar to her biological mother.

"This is my dad?"


A Piao leaned close to the man's photo, looked at it for a long time, and sighed: "Sure enough, they are brothers, they are very similar."

"But your father looks a little more kind, with more creases on his face."

"My father is seven years older than him, so naturally he is older." Ah Piao was looking at his identity information, and asked in surprise, "My father was a chef when he was alive?"


"No wonder I'm a good cook, so I inherited my father's genes." Ah Piao raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

 7 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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