Chapter 420
With the assistance of the special department, the case quickly came to light and the three suspects were also arrested.

This is a case 20 years ago, but it still attracted the attention of all walks of life.

Mo Haihao suggested to obscure the identities of the two and not to claim that they are their biological parents.

The superior asked him to type a report.

Approved soon.

The male policeman claimed that the masterminds were the uncle and aunt of the deceased, in order to get the heart to save their son.

This answer is more acceptable to the outside world than the fact that biological parents favor sons over daughters and use their daughter's heart to save their sons.

Even so, there are still many people who feel angry and call the two of them worse than pigs and dogs.

Those with vested interests are not innocent, but also insiders who participated in the whole incident.

The case was so bad that the two masterminds were sentenced to death.

The vested interest who got the heart was only sentenced to more than ten years in prison.

This made many netizens angry, but very helpless.

The male policeman was depressed all day. If it wasn't for his duty, he couldn't drink. He wanted to drink ten bottles of wine!

Mo Haihao came to say goodbye. This case is over, and he will return to the special department.

"What's the matter with you, in a bad mood?"

The male policeman nodded: "Thinking about it makes me angry. He has only been sentenced to ten years. If he behaves well inside, he may be able to reduce his sentence. He will be released from prison in a few years, and he can live happily ever after with someone else's heart! Very angry, really angry!"

He clenched his fists hard and smashed the table with his fists.

"Not necessarily."

The male policeman gave Shang Mo Haihao an inscrutable smile, hurriedly moved closer and asked, "What did you do?"

Mo Haihao shrugged his shoulders: "Human, if you do too many bad things, you want to pray to God and Buddha for peace of mind."

"Of course, you can indeed get a lot of magic weapons to protect yourself, and you can also let an expert cast spells to help eliminate your debts."

"However, when the magic weapon is confiscated and entered into the prison, the asylum becomes invalid. The bad luck that should come will eventually come, and what should be returned will eventually be returned."

The male policeman was confused.

Mo Haihao patted him on the shoulder: "You don't need to understand, you just have to wait and see the ending."


The man who was nearly 40 years old entered the prison and changed into a prison uniform. All the accessories on his body were required to be removed, and they would not be returned until the day he was released from prison.

The man clenched the gourd pendant in his hand, wanting to hide it quietly. He used the excuse of urgency to go to the toilet and hid the gourd pendant by the back door.

Walk with legs crossed, stand in front of the height meter and take pictures.

He thought he had successfully bluffed through, but unexpectedly, he had to go through an electronic gate.

When passing through the door, the electronic door will send out a "beep beep" alarm sound.

Prison guards stopped him and searched him.

In the end, the gourd pendant was found out, and when the gourd pendant left his body, he felt a sense of suffocation for a moment.


Mo Haihao calculated the time and guessed that the man had already entered the prison, so he knocked on the door of the villa.

Little Taotie happened to be playing in the living room, the nanny opened the door, Little Taotie raised his head, saw that it was Mo Haihao, and shouted: "Big brother!"

Mo Haihao walked in and whispered in Little Taotie's ear, "Try again to launch the bad luck."

Little Taotie blinked and made a shooting motion.

The bad luck that had been lingering with nowhere to go was about to dissipate, and suddenly it had a direction, and it rushed towards the direction of the prison.

The nanny went to make tea, and Mo Haihao shouted to the back of the cabinet: "Don't hide, come out."

Little Taotie looked over in a daze, and saw Sister A Piao.

She hadn't seen Sister A Piao for a long time, so she ran over excitedly and walked around her: "Sister A Piao, where have you been? I've been looking for you for several days!"

 8 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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