Chapter 431

Early the next morning, when Cheng Guodong came to the office door, he saw the director of the planning department with two dark circles under his eyes.

"Are you working overtime?"

The director of the planning department nodded: "I voluntarily work overtime."

Cheng Guodong shook his head: "I don't agree, and I won't allow it in the future."

The director of the planning department thought it was funny. After changing jobs so many times, it was the first time he met such a boss. Employees voluntarily worked overtime, which was not allowed.

He seemed to think that it was just a verbal prohibition, and there was no deterrent effect. Cheng Guodong thought about it and snorted: "In the future, you will work overtime, and you will bear the company's electricity bill!"

Director of Planning Department: "..."

She really can't afford it!

For the electricity bill of an office building, even her monthly salary is not enough!
"Do you still dare to work overtime?" Cheng Guodong asked.

The director of the planning department counseled in seconds: "There will never be a next time."

"Tell me, stay here early in the morning, what do you want from me?"

"I think Mr. Cheng is right. The ultimate purpose of short videos is to eliminate the sense of distance."

"Yes, then what good idea do you have?"

"I don't know if Cheng Dong's home is monitored, or if he will make some documentaries recording Xiao Taotie's growth on weekdays. It is best if the little Taotie is noisy, but cute, and makes people want to laugh at her."

"You want to do a total episode of my sister making a fool of herself?"

The director of the planning department smiled awkwardly: "Don't say it so bluntly, it's not making a fool of yourself, it's just the daily life of a brat."

"Give me your email and I'll send you the video."

"So you agree?"

Cheng Guodong raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "I just want you to try it out. If you can't pass it in the end, we'll see what you make."


The pastoral life started broadcasting, and Xiao Taotie set off happily with his backpack on his back. According to Gu Bei, this time Xiao Lingzhi was also a flying guest.

She packed a lot of delicious food in the bag and planned to share it with Xiao Lingzhi.

When they arrived at the program group, before they could take out the snacks, the director came over wearing a fierce tiger mask, and snatched Xiao Taotie's backpack.

Little Taotie: "..."

Little Lingzhi came over to comfort her, and sighed: "I also experienced a robbery."

Little Taotie muffled: "I brought you delicious food, but the editor-director uncle snatched it away!"

Little Lingzhi glared at the back of the director who was going away, and whispered in Little Taotie's ear.

Little Taotie wondered: "Isn't this... not good?"

Little Lingzhi hummed: "Who told him to steal our things!"

As soon as the filming of the show started, Xiao Lingzhi waved to the camera, and then said with a smile: "Little Taotie and I have prepared dances and songs, and we will perform them for everyone to see!"

The director didn't expect that they had prepared a small program, and the cameraman asked, "Do you want to turn off the camera?"

The director laughed and said, "No, this is a surprise!"

The director raised his voice: "You guys perform, I promise I won't cut it!"

Little Taotie gave him a sympathetic look, thinking that he would definitely regret what he said.

Xiao Lingzhi yelled: "Director, you said this, you can't go back on your word!"

"I promise not to go back on my word!"

"Repentance is a puppy!"

"Okay! I will never regret it!"

Little Ganoderma gave Little Taotie a hand, "Let's start!"

Little Taotie sighed like a grown-up: "Little Lingzhi, you are too bad."

Little Ganoderma lucidum bouncing around: "The little villain is the cutest!"

The music is playing...

Little Ganoderma lucidum stroked her hair: "Stay, boil, wake up, stay up late and wake up~~~"

Xiao Taotie imitated her movement of touching her head, touching the left side, touching the right side, and finally shouted: "Wake up~~~"

Little Ganoderma lucidum sang loudly: "Bad bald, bald! It's so sudden!"

Little Taotie sang along: "Balbald, bald! It's so sudden!"

The magic sound lingered in my ears, and the choreographer's heart trembled: "Bald? Isn't it bald as I thought?"

Little Ganoderma suddenly jumped up and shouted: "Ah!"

"Suddenly one day, I became bald~~~"

Little Taotie accompanies: "Valdly, baldly~~~"

Choreographer Si Yuyan: "Didn't you just take away their snacks? Are you so vengeful? You actually targeted me!"

"They didn't sing about you either, you took the seat yourself." The photographer spread his hands.

The director was annoyed: "Cut it out! This section must be cut out!"

Little Lingzhi heard it and shouted: "The director is a puppy!"

The director responded loudly: "Wow, woof, woof!"

 19 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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