Chapter 432 The Two Little Girls Are Playing Crazy
The choreographer and director of the pastoral life is a bit broken. When Xiao Taotie was a little cub, he was like a little angel.

Now with the addition of the little Ganoderma lucidum, the little Taotie has also become a little devil!

As soon as he was free, he saw two children running over with a smile.

Thinking there was something wrong, I saw two little devils circling around him and began to sing: "Bad bald~~~"

The director was depressed: "Next issue, don't let Xiao Lingzhi come!"

The photographer broke his fantasy and said bluntly: "Cheng Dong named him by name, and asked Xiao Lingzhi to take pictures with Xiao Taotie."

Director: "..."

The photographer shrugged: "Unless you want Xiao Taotie to quit."

"No, I don't want to."

The photographer took out a razor: "Let me shave your head bald, it looks much better than baldness!"

"No!" The director turned around and ran away.

Little Taotie and Little Lingzhi hid aside and peeked at each other, covering their mouths and giggling.

This is a picturesque mountain village, where many martial arts dramas will be filmed. The mountains are high, the water is clear, and the sky is blue.

Little Taotie and Little Lingzhi were not assigned tasks, they were only responsible for playing wildly and running around in the mountains, which also caused the two little devils to have a lot of free time, so they would go to tease the director uncle from time to time.

Actor Xu and the others were assigned a lot of tasks, such as picking vegetables and planting them.

A pickup truck came, full of baby animals.

The director also had no other choice, the two little devils were too busy, and they always had to find something for them to do.

Little Taotie ran around the pickup truck, standing on tiptoe to see the little lambs, little rabbits, and little pigs inside!
Little Taotie grew up in a mountain village and had seen these little cubs before. It was the first time Little Lingzhi saw them, and he exclaimed, "Are pigs so cute when they were young? I thought they were fat and ugly when they were young!"

The staff unloaded the cages one by one, and the little Ganoderma lucidum stood in front of the small pig cages to look at it strangely.

Little Taotie's eyes were glued to the little rabbit's body, and the little milk voice trembled with excitement: "It's so endearing, it's so endearing..."

Little did they know, the staff lady yelled frantically in her heart: Little Taotie, it's so amazing, it's so amazing...

The scene of a human cub hugging a small animal cub excited the photographer and made him shoot like crazy.

Even the choreographer, who had already regarded the two children as little devils, had to admit at this moment that the little Taotie holding the little white rabbit looked like a little angel.

Little Ganoderma lucidum twirls and jumps wildly while holding a three-flowered pig in its arms.
Little Taotie hugged the little white rabbit, saw its three-petal mouth move, and thought it was hungry, so he picked green vegetables from the ground and fed it.

Seeing it eating deliciously with its three-petal mouth, the little glutton was very happy and fed slice after slice.

The little Ganoderma lucidum also needs to feed the Sanhua pigs with green vegetables. As soon as the Sanhua pigs were put down, they turned around and ran away!

"Hey, don't run!" Xiao Lingzhi ran to catch up with the vegetables in her hand.

Sanhua pig runs faster!

"Stop!" Little Lingzhi lost her temper, threw away the vegetables in her hand, and speeded up to chase, "You are a pig, why are you running so fast!"

Little Taotie turned his head and saw Little Ganoderma lucidum chasing the little pig, he giggled loudly, touched the little white rabbit in his arms, and grinned: "Little rabbit, be good~"

The panicked little pig ran in the direction of the little Taotie, bumped headfirst at the little Taotie's feet, collapsed on the ground, and pretended to be dead.

Little Taotie was stunned: "Of course I didn't bump into it, so is it touching porcelain?"

Little Ganoderma rushed over and held the piglet down, "I caught you! Let you run!"

The little pig groaned, rolled his eyes, and continued to play dead.

Little Taotie: "..." I think it is pretending, but I have no proof.

Xiao Lingzhi rolled her eyes when she saw it, thinking that it was really going to die, so she shook it vigorously: "Don't die! Wake up!"

"I'll give you CPR!"

Saying that, Little Lingzhi slapped the little pig's heart, and then pressed its chest hard.

Little Pig can't pretend anymore, if he pretends to be, he will really die!

The little pig jumped up suddenly, but before Xiao Lingzhi could react, it ran away again!

Little Lingzhi: "..." I'm tired, I don't want to chase anymore.

Two little girls went to bed early at night after a day of playing with the animal cubs.

In an unfamiliar environment, two little girls kept each other warm and slept in a small bed in a room.

In the middle of the night, Cheng Lu went in to take a look, and found that the two little girls were in a good relationship, hugging each other when they were asleep, but the quilt was kicked off and fell to the ground alone.

Cheng Lu covered them with quilts and quietly left the room.

 20 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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