Chapter 437 A Divine Comedy Comes Out

Little Taotie didn't believe her, turned his back, and decided not to eat anything from Xiao Lingzhi anymore.

In the middle of the night, the editor edited overnight, and finally finished this episode before the broadcast started.

"Has the one on the small island been completely deleted?"

"Don't worry, the director, everything has been deleted."

The director nodded: "Although this program is a bit dull, it is more in line with rural life, and overall it is good."

"I gave a lot of close-ups to Xiao Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi. Nowadays, people's life is too fast, so I like to watch this kind of slow-paced variety show. It looks plain, but in fact, it is real!"

The director laughed: "You can talk so well, you should be assigned to the public relations team."

"Don't! I'm a technician, so I'm quick to talk in front of acquaintances. If I change to a place where there are many strangers, I will definitely become dumb."

"Okay, I'll take the disk."

The editor and director rushed the disc back to the station that night. It took some time for the stage to review, but it passed quickly. The broadcast will start soon. There is no major problem, so there is no need to pick a bone.


When Xiao Taotie got on the plane and flew to the next shooting location, the show had already started.

The audience sat in front of the TV on time and on time.

The music is playing...

Little Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi came out with their buttocks twisted.

The audience was puzzled for a while, and then they saw Xiao Lingzhi touched her hair and opened her voice!

"Stay up, stay up, stay up, stay up late and wake up~~~"

Little Taotie imitated her movement of touching his head, left and right, his hands seemed to have been rubbed with pomade, and he turned himself into a big back!
Little Taotie shouted spiritually: "Wake up~~~" with a long tail.

Little Ganoderma twisted its body and sang demonically: "Bad bald, bald bald! It's just so sudden!"

Little Taotie sang along: "Balbald, bald! It's so sudden!"

"Ah! Suddenly one day, I became bald~~~"

"bald, bald~~~"

The audience in front of the TV was amused by the two little guys.

Some parents whose children stayed up late at home took the opportunity to sing to their disobedient cubs: "bald, bald! Ah! Suddenly one day, I became bald~~~"

Who would have thought that there would be a divine comedy in a casual variety show!
Some people who are just about to stay up late and work overtime can't help but think of the melody of "Ah! Suddenly one day, I'm bald~~~", the whole person is not well, pack up and go home immediately!
work overtime?Stop dreaming!
Can overtime pay be as expensive as hair transplant?Do not add do not add!
The young people who were about to stay up late to play games suddenly received a rest reminder from the game platform.

This is already a routine operation. The platform will remind you to go to bed early and get up early, but who will really be obedient?
But this time the game platform has come up with a show operation!

On the small frame that popped up, there were two little cubs twisting their buttocks, singing a magic voice: "bald, bald! Ah! Suddenly one day, they became bald~~~"

The young people touched their hair, and found that there were two or three strands of hair falling out in the palm of their hand!
Stay up late playing games?No hit no hit!

The D sound has also caught up with a wave of popularity. When you use Douyin late at night, you will be forced to watch a small video. It is a magical dance between Xiao Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi. bald~~~”

The ringtone of the subway grandfather's mobile phone was set to this magic sound. When the mobile phone rang, all the people in the car subconsciously made the same action, touching their hair to see if there was any hair loss in the palm of their hand.

Those who did not lose their hair breathed a sigh of relief and showed a relieved smile.

People with hair loss are frowning, wondering whether it is better to eat some sesame paste, or eat some Polygonum multiflorum?

 25 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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