Chapter 438
I have to say that the editor is a talent, and he even cut the editor-director's loud "Wow, woof, woof" into it!
The photographer asked: "Didn't you read the tape?"

The director said calmly: "Look."

The cameraman wondered: "Why didn't you delete this part of learning how to bark a dog? And let it be broadcast?"

The corner of the editor's mouth rose: "Sacrificing my reputation to make the show a success, that's wonderful!"

The photographer raised his thumbs up: "People are shameless, indeed they are invincible!"

The program of pastoral life, ranked first in the variety show rankings of the season, is invincible in the world!


The audience couldn't help laughing when they saw Xiao Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi being chased by a group of lambs.

Little Taotie's eyes were glued to the little rabbit's body, and the little milk voice was excited: "It's so endearing, it's so endearing..."

The audience yelled, "It's amazing!"

They think that the little glutton is the most tolerable!

When they saw the little Ganoderma lucidum chasing the little pig, and even the little pig detested the brat, many people fell in love with the little girl.

Some fans even started to form CPs, not for actor Xu and Cheng Lu in the show, but for Xiao Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi!

The pictorial technique is superb, a pink nose of piggy Pepe is put on the little Ganoderma lucidum P, and a pair of fluffy rabbit ears are put on the little Taotie P!

Originally, this CP was relatively unpopular, but at the end of the show, the scene of Xiao Lingzhi patiently feeding the little Taotie to eat strawberries was played, and more and more people cheated on CP.

The CP Party also raised the banner and gave itself a name: Tao Zhiyaoyao!


When little Ganoderma lucidum was chasing piglets all over the mountain, little Taotie sat alone on the boulder, looking lonely.

The camera is a long shot, and the shot is from the back, not the little Taotie talking to himself.

Suddenly, Little Taotie stood up and walked towards the village.

As we got closer to the village, we saw someone rushing out of the village with a child on their back, shouting: "Xiao Mori, let's go to the doctor, you will be fine!"

Little Taotie chased after him.

Netizens who watched the show on the Internet began to post barrage.

【What is Little Taotie chasing after? 】

[Do you want to help? 】

Little Taotie asked: "Grandma, do you want to hail a car to go to the hospital? The program team has a car to take you to the hospital."

【Wow!Zai Zai is great! 】

[Zai Zai road sees injustice and draws his sword to help! 】

Little Taotie also wanted to get in the car, but was stopped by the photographer, "You don't have to follow."

Little Taotie pointed his fingers, his big eyes were full of pleading: "I want to go!"

Follow up: "Go if you want!"

[Hahaha, there is no bottom line for following pets!Little Taotie agreed as soon as she acted like a baby! 】

[Laughing to death, are you sure you won't be deducted from your salary by the director? 】

[Director, deduct his salary! 】

I didn't expect to follow the film at all, and I could also make a small fire.

[Director, deduct his salary! 】It turned out that the tail of the crane was on the hot search list!

Xiao Taotie returned to the program group, and Xiao Lingzhi handed over the specially hidden oiled paper package.

[Tao Zhi Yaoyao] The CP party came out and screamed!

【Ahhh!full of love!Tao Zhi is young, shining brightly! 】

[Little Lingzhi is so caring, she is a good daughter-in-law! 】

【Let me see, what delicious food did she prepare for Little Taotie? 】

Open the oil paper package, inside is a whole roast chicken.

Little Taotie: "No chopsticks."

Little Ganoderma lucidum: "Whatever chopsticks you want, just chew on it!"

Little Taotie struggled: "It's too inelegant."

Xiao Lingzhi stretched out her hand and boldly broke off a chicken leg.

Little Taotie: "..."

[Laughing like crazy, don't stop Little Taotie's dream of becoming an elegant lady! 】

[When the little Taotie sang "bald", he was already a thousand miles away from "elegance"! 】

[Little Ganoderma lucidum's seems to have touched a pig just now! 】

[Cough cough, you won't get sick if you don't do anything dirty! 】

Little Taotie didn't want to look like that anymore, and broke off a chicken leg.

She tapped the chicken leg in Xiao Lingzhi's hand with the chicken leg in her hand, giggling: "Cheers!"

[Hahaha, I can't stop laughing! "Elegance" really has nothing to do with her! 】

【cheers!Drumstick Cup! 】

【Have a cup of chicken drumsticks from [-]! 】

[Good relationship, a mouthful of stuffy chicken drumsticks! 】

As the sun set, two little girls gnawed on chicken legs until their mouths were full of oil.

The editor-director's loud voice was included, which is another masterpiece of the editing brother.

The director shouted loudly: "Shoot! Shoot hard! Shoot them all! Laugh at me for being bald? I want to laugh at them for being dirty!"

[Oh, oh, it turns out that the song "Vald" was created by the director! 】

[I found the source, I died laughing! 】

 26 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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