Chapter 447

"It was this dead girl who beat my grandson!"

"Apologize, let her apologize!"

"What's the use of apologizing, and she has to break a toe!"

"Yes, break her foot!"

"Catch her!"

Just when Xiao Taotie thought he would be caught and forced to apologize again, a furious voice came to mind: "Whoever dares to touch my granddaughter will take the old man's sword!"

The familiar lion-headed cane, the familiar fencing, the familiar roar, and the familiar face!

Little Taotie's eyes widened in surprise, and the little milk's voice was full of disbelief: "Grandpa Fan?"

Tao Mo was wearing colorful clothes, like the most difficult to find suit hidden in the jungle. He stood in front of Little Taotie and Little Lingzhi, and turned his head. His face was painted with stripes of green, and he showed a A loving and reliable smile: "Little Taotie, don't be afraid, Grandpa will protect you!"

From the bushes on the side, a little old lady ran out. The old lady was wearing a suit of the same style as Tao Mo, and there were leaves stuck in a wool roll.

Tian Leran panted and ran to Tao Mo's side: "You don't wait for me!"

Tao Mo said helplessly, "You run too slowly."

Tian Leran pushed the round glasses on the bridge of her nose, as if they were in the way, she took them off again.

Tian Leran took off her glasses, and her eyes became fierce immediately. She swept the faces of all the people present one by one with fierce eyes, as if she was going to kill everyone with her eyes.

"Who are you?" An old man with pale hair and wrinkled face stepped forward and said coldly, "This is a matter of our village. You outsiders want to meddle in your own business? Who do you think you are?"

"Hehe! I want to ask, who do you think you are? You can't treat the law as a display! So many of you threatened to smash a child's foot, because you want to hurt someone intentionally? You know the crime of intentional injury, you must How many years is the sentence?"

The little old lady looked small, but her voice was not small, and she sneered: "Ha ha! I forgot, you don't look like you can read! I guess you are all illiterate! It's no wonder you are legally illiterate !"

"Damn old woman, who are you calling illiterate!" A strong man stepped forward and wanted to hit someone, but before his fist was close to Tian Leran, he saw a long sword stabbing him!

"Ah!" The strong man screamed, blood was seen on the spot.

"You dare to hurt people!" The villagers targeted Tian Leran and Tao Mo instead of Taotie from childhood.

"Call the police! Let the police catch them and go to jail!"

"Yes! They broke the law! Catch them and put them in jail!"

Tian Leran sneered: "They say you are legally blind! He wants to hit me, but my man protects me. We are at most justifiable self-defense! So many of you surround a child and threaten to break her feet, you are the ones. break the law!"

"Article 230 of the Criminal Law stipulates that the act of intentionally and illegally harming the body of another person is the crime of intentional injury."

"Whoever intentionally injures one person and seriously injures one person shall be sentenced to 3 to 5 years in prison!"

"Whoever intentionally injures one person with particularly cruel means, causing disability, may be sentenced to 10 to 13 years in prison!"

The villagers looked at each other, a little dazed in their eyes.

"Looking at your stupid looks, do you not understand?"

Tian Leran said coldly: "The simple explanation is that so many of you want to break a child's foot, which is extremely bad, and it may cause her to be disabled. You can't escape from ten years of imprisonment! Plus the child is only six years old, it is a future If you become an adult, your sentence will be increased by 20%, and you will not be able to escape for 12 years!"

Tian Leran's cold eyes swept over everyone present one by one, and sneered: "The oldest among you, I'm afraid he must be in his sixties? If you go in and sit in prison for 12 years, I don't know if you will survive until you are released from prison. It's that day!"

The villagers whispered: "Is what she said true or not?"

"Are you fooling us?"

"12 years? How is that possible?"

"We're just taking revenge. It was this stinky girl who hurt my child first!"

One person shouted: "It was this stinky girl who hurt people first! At most we are self-defense and don't need to go to jail! Don't lie!"

(End of this chapter)

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