Chapter 448 Teacher Tian remains heroic
Tian Leran was indeed a little alarmist, but she didn't hesitate at all. She straightened her back and sneered: "You don't believe me? Then try it. As long as you dare to touch her hair today, I will sue you until you go to jail!"

The boy's family members didn't want to be so cowardly, and wanted to get some places back, but some old people in the village persuaded him.

"Isn't it just children fighting? Whose children don't fight? There's no need to make it so big, right?"

"Old Hu's family, don't bother, there are so many of you bullying a child, it really can't be justified."

"That is, if the police really come, they might help the disadvantaged, and definitely help the children. Then you will be out of luck!"

"After listening to our persuasion, this matter has been turned into a small matter. After all, we will all be people in the same village in the future."

Old man Hu yelled: "My grandson's toes have been smashed! According to this damn old woman, intentionally hurting people and causing disabilities, this stinky girl should go to jail! 12 years in prison!"

Tian Leran laughed loudly: "Are you a fool? She is only six years old, let alone hurt your grandson's toe today..." Tian Leran suddenly lowered her voice, took a step forward, and said in a dense voice, "Even if you kill your grandson, If it is found out that your grandson courted death first, nothing will happen to her!"

Tian Leran's voice was so low that the two children could not hear it, but it was enough for the old man in front of him to hear clearly.

Tian Leran grinned terrifyingly: "I advise you to take your people and leave, otherwise everyone will be in the same village in the future. If something happens, don't regret it."

These words were blatantly threatening.

It seems to be implying: If your grandson accidentally loses his life, don't regret it!
Old man Hu shivered subconsciously.

The old lady in front of her was clearly a harmless wool curly head, with fair skin and round eyes, she didn't look fierce at all, but in the eyes of old man Hu, she turned into a demon, sinister and ferocious.

Old man Hu was terrified. He was just a villager, and he was usually arrogant because no one bothered with him, but when he really met someone from outside, he didn't know what to say, and he was afraid that what the other person said was true.

Old man Hu greeted his sons and relatives to leave.

The boy's father refused to leave: "Dad, isn't she just a dead old woman, you are afraid of her fart! I don't believe a word she said! My son was injured, I must make them pay the price!"

"Shut up, you!" Old man Hu grabbed his son's ear and pulled him away, "You are stupid! They are from other villages. If we know a good lawyer, how can we fight? You useless waste , can you pay for a lawyer?"

The man was cowardly in seconds, and was taken away by old man Hu after half pushing and half pushing.

The Hu family had all left, and the people in the village didn't have much fun watching, and gradually dispersed.

Tao Mo raised his thumbs up to his wife: "Teacher Tian is still as heroic as before!"

Tian Leran touched her own wool roll, touched a leaf, touched it again, and touched another leaf. Her whole body was not well, and she asked in a trembling voice: "I was holding a leaf in front of so many people just now. Make a fool of yourself in front of you?"

Tao Mo helped her remove the leaves on her head, and comforted her: "It's okay, they were all shocked by your words, and no one paid attention to the leaves on your head."

"It's all your fault, you old man, you insist on hiding in the bushes!" Tian Leran slapped his hand off, took out a small mirror, and took it by herself according to the mirror.

Tao Mo put away his sword and turned back into a lion-headed crutch. When he turned around and saw two little girls with bright eyes, he was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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