Chapter 449 The treasure protected by grandparents
Little Lingzhi was really terrified just now, and felt that she and Little Taotie were going to die.

Just now those people were fierce and yelled to break little Taotie's feet, Xiao Lingzhi felt that her own feet would suffer as well.

Moreover, she felt that she and Xiao Taotie were good friends, good friends should share difficulties, if Xiao Taotie's foot was broken, she would definitely have to break it with her to be loyal.

Xiao Lingzhi, who was pitying herself for becoming a cripple in the future, suddenly saw a figure blocking her and Xiao Taotie, like the most powerful superman standing in front of them.

The moment the crutches turned into fencing, Xiao Lingzhi was stunned!

She seemed to see the Grim Reaper with a scythe in his hand, so handsome, so cool!
When the old lady was about to be hit by a punch, Grandpa Superman stabbed with the sword, fast and accurate!It's almost like making a movie!
Little Ganoderma lucidum's eyes are bright at the moment, full of admiration, she can't wait to hug her thigh and shout Grandpa Superman!I wish this was my own grandfather!so cool!

Xiao Taotie and Xiao Ganoderma have different thoughts. At this moment, Xiao Taotie seems to have stepped out of the shadow of being forced to apologize back then, his eyes are shining brightly.

She knew that the grandfather in the mountain was protecting herself, and hoped that if she apologized, the matter would be resolved.

But she felt very sad and didn't want to apologize. At that time, she even thought that she shouldn't apologize even if her head was broken!

But in the end, she gave in.

Aggrieved and in pain, she had a fever and was sick for several days. Grandpa stayed by the bedside to take care of her, not daring to relax at all, for fear that she would turn into a little fool.

At that time, she let go of the grievance and stubbornness in her heart, and chose to forget it. After all, the matter was resolved, and remembering it would only make herself sad and grandpa uncomfortable.

But today, she saw a different solution.

I saw a grandfather who was different from my grandfather in the mountains.

They're all protecting her, and they're all for her good.

But she damn likes such a grandpa!
Although I am a little sorry for the grandpa in the mountains, but she really really likes the current grandpa and grandma of fans!

The moment Grandpa Fan drew his sword, Little Taotie seemed to hear the shackles in his heart loosen instantly, as if all the past had gone away.

She was no longer the broom star in the mountains who was chased, beaten, and scolded.

He is no longer a broom star who is bullied by others and can only bear it. When he sees people, he can only hide and take a detour.

No more, even if there is nothing wrong, you still have to cry and shout sorry broom star.

Now, under the guidance of her second brother, she understands that if she is bullied, she must pay it back!
Even if she hurts someone, there are still people protecting her, standing in front of her, holding a sword, and roaring furiously: "Whoever dares to touch my granddaughter, take the old man's sword!"

Someone stood in front of her, using the simplest words, but more deterrent than a sharp sword, scaring away a group of vicious villagers.

Grandpa Fan raised his sword to protect her, and Grandma Fan's sharp words made her understand that now she is protected and loved, so she doesn't need to bow her head and apologize for being wronged.

The little Taotie's eyes were shining, and under Tao Mo's surprised gaze, he rushed over suddenly and slammed into Tao Mo's arms.

Tao Mo hugged Xiao Cannonball subconsciously, and laughed: "My dear grandson, don't be afraid, with grandpa around, no one can bully you!" He patted Xiao Taotie's back lightly.

It was like grandpa Shanli patted her on the back, but at that time, grandpa comforted her, told her to endure, and made her forget everything.

Little Taotie raised his head, and the little milk voice trembled: "I hurt him, should I apologize?"

"Why did you smash him?"

"He threw mine first."

"Then you don't need to apologize, you're even, unless he apologizes to you first, then our little Taotie is also a polite child, so please apologize."

Little Taotie smiled softly: "I mean to apologize, but I just don't care about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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