Chapter 452 The temper tantrum was ignited again
The women who had been quieted down because Actor Xu promised to pay the money were enraged by Cheng Lu's words, and they started to yell:
"If your child hadn't smashed my child to death, how could he have broken his toes! Your child must have used all his strength, as fierce as a wolf cub!"

"That's right! It's fine if you admit it, but you still deny it!"

"Whose child has such great strength? A toe can be broken with a light hit?"

"Who do you think your child is? A little star on TV?"

"Little stars are made by computers in the later stage, but they are not really powerful!"

Amidst the noise, the little Taotie was carried back by Tian Leran, Tao Mo followed behind his wife with a leg pendant on his leg, and Gu Yixing followed at the end with a shovel in his hand.

"I'm back!" Cheng Lu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the shovel.

It's okay, it's okay, there's no blood on the shovel.

Xu Yingdi stretched out his hand to take the little Taotie from the little old lady's arms, but the little Taotie turned his head and buried himself in the little old lady's arms, holding him tightly, unable to come out.

Tian Leran smiled and said, "I'll just hold it! This kid clings to me, hehe~" The last laugh was so smug!

Tao Mo: "..." So sour!
Actor Xu was dazed for a moment, and looked suspiciously at Gu Yixing who was following behind, Gu Yixing said in a muffled voice, "Brother, mom and dad are tired, hurry up and pour a cup of tea for mom and dad!"

Xu Yingdi was dumbfounded.

Cheng Lu looked at the little Taotie's sticky little old lady, then at Gu Yixing's expression, and immediately understood, she hurriedly stepped forward and shouted: "Father and mother, you are tired, come in and have a rest!"

Tao Mo looked at Cheng Lu and grinned, "Okay!"

Little Ganoderma lucidum is a clever ghost, and kept shouting: "Grandpa, I'll pour you tea!"

"Okay, you go." Tao Mo thought in his heart, when she let go, he would never give her a chance to cling to her again!
Little Ganoderma lucidum rolled her eyes and smiled: "I remembered, my mother won't let me touch the boiling water, so I'd better chat with grandpa."

Continue to hold tight, never let go!
Tao Mo: "..." This leg pendant can't be removed!
"Don't go!" Mrs. Hu shouted.

"It was this kid who deliberately broke my grandson's toes!"

Little Taotie poked his head out of Tian Leran's arms, and looked over with big innocent eyes.

The old lady Hu met the big eyes of the little Taotie, and sighed in her heart: This little boy's eyes are too beautiful!
No, no, this is the wolf cub who broke his grandson's toes!Not cute at all, not good-looking at all!
The old lady Hu put on a fierce face: "Why are you so cruel! There is something wrong with my good grandson. It is true that I shouldn't throw you with a small stone. It's fine if you throw a stone to retaliate. Why did you break his toe! What if he gets sick and becomes a little lame in the future?"

"What if my son becomes a cripple and can't marry a wife!" The woman at the side waved the rolling pin in her hand, gave Xiao Taotie a fierce look, but murmured in her heart: This little boy is so soft, He didn't seem to have much strength, so why did he break his son's toes?Is my son calcium deficient?Is it too fragile?
Little Taotie was very wronged in his heart, so many people chased after her, trying to catch her, but now he heard that the boy's toe was broken, he felt guilty and uneasy, and asked softly, weakly: "He ...Is he all right? Does it... hurt? I...I didn't mean to..."

"Didn't you do it on purpose? Didn't you do it on purpose when you smashed him to death?" Mrs. Hu's eyes widened. At first she thought this little girl was cute, so she thought about it, but now her temper has been ignited again!

 2 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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