Chapter 453 Thank You For Not Killing
Little Taotie struggled to get down from Tian Leran's arms, walked to the side of the road and found a small stone similar to that at that time.

Mrs. Hu took a big step back, "What are you doing! Do you still want to hit me?"

Mrs. Hu's daughter-in-law stood in front of her, holding a rolling pin in a defensive posture, "I tell you, don't come here, I will really hit you with a stick!"

Little Taotie looked at them, sighed like an adult, and then walked to a big rock.

This large oval-shaped stone can sit down the area of ​​two adults.

Little Taotie hit the big rock lightly with a small stone, and said in a childish voice, "That's how I was lightly at the time."

Mrs. Hu firmly refused to believe it, and said angrily, "With such little strength, my grandson won't even have bruises, let alone a broken toe!"

But the slap in the face came so fast, just a slight "click"!
Everyone stared round at the big stone.

Where Little Taotie slammed it lightly just now, a... crack appeared!
Mrs. Hu rubbed her eyes hard, grabbed the eldest daughter and second daughter beside her, her voice trembling: "It's my old eyes that are dizzy, right?"

"...Am I also old and dizzy?"

"...I saw the crack too!"

Hearing the reply from the eldest daughter and the second daughter, Mrs. Hu was in a bad mood: "How is it possible? She obviously didn't use any strength!"

The boy's mother said blankly: "She didn't use any strength and the stone cracked. If she used a lot of strength...what would happen?"

Little Taotie tilted his head and answered her with actions.

Little Taotie raised his little hand high, let out a "ha", and smashed it down with great strength.

The small stone in her hand was like an indestructible hammer, she smashed it down suddenly, and the big oval stone fell apart under everyone's gaze!

"Ah!" the boy's mother screamed.

Mrs. Hu gasped!
The other women backed away again and again, covering their mouths, not even daring to breathe loudly.

Old Madam Hu trembled her lips: "Hercules..."

The boy's mother trembled: "If she hits my son with all her strength, will my son... be alive?"

The boy's aunt: "Thank you for not killing me!"

The boy's second aunt clutched her heart: "It's almost time for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person! It's not good for my nephew to mess with someone, it's Hercules!"

Little Taotie threw away the small stone in his hand, and said in a childish voice, "I didn't hit him on purpose. He threw a small stone at me, and I thought about throwing it back. I didn't expect him to be so fragile..."

The boy's mother: "..." Figure it out!It's not that my son is calcium deficient, nor is it that my son is weak!It's you who are so against the sky!
But she didn't dare to say it, she only dared to complain in her heart.

Mrs. Hu sighed: "It was my grandson who was unlucky and met Hercules."

Mrs. Hu beckoned everyone to run quickly, "Let's go, let's go home."

Actor Xu hurriedly called to them: "I will accompany you to the hospital to see the child. We must be responsible for the compensation that should be paid!"

Little Taotie pointed at his finger, feeling guilty in his heart, and whispered: "I want to go and see him, but I didn't expect to hurt him..."

"Don't! Don't go!" Mrs. Hu said excitedly, "We don't want to compensate you! Just don't trouble my grandson anymore!"

"There's something wrong with them." Gu Yixing was suspicious.

The villagers who came to watch the fun approached Gu Yixing, and muttered: "You are from outside the village, you don't know the legend of Hercules! More than ten years ago, there was a child in the village. His mother ran away with someone, and all the children in the village Making fun of him is useless! He doesn't talk back, he's always dull, giving people the illusion that he's easy to bully!"

"Later, the children in the village threw firecrackers at his house, causing the house to catch fire. This was the first time he got angry! He beat people with his fist and broke many children's bones!"

"At that time, some people came to the door to ask for compensation. His family was already poor, but his father still paid all the money, which made the family unable to solve the problem."

"Those unlucky children don't know how to restrain themselves, and when their injuries heal, they gather together to think about revenge!"

"At that time, he beat many people by himself. One child smashed his head and almost failed to save him."

"When things got serious, Hercules was taken away. Everyone thought he was arrested and imprisoned. Later..."

Gu Yixing urged: "What happened later?"

The man sighed: "Later, people in the village saw him on TV."

"He stood on the podium of the Olympic Games and became a weightlifting champion."

"Originally, this is the glory of the village!"

"We were the ones who drove the Olympic champion out of the village!"

Mrs. Hu beckoned the women in the family to run quickly, and turned around and shouted: "Don't trouble my grandson anymore!"

She was afraid, when Hercules smashed a child's head, the child was almost lost!
What if my family insists on this matter, and this child holds a grudge, and intercepts her grandson on the road in the future?
Just in case you hit your grandson's head like a big rock...

Mrs. Hu glanced at the almost shattered boulder, gasped, her two old legs were like scuds, and she was gliding extremely fast.

 3 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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