Chapter 454 There will be one less grandpa
The little Taotie tilted her head, with a dazed expression on her face, she pointed her finger at Tao Mo and Tian Leran, her voice was a little helpless: "I... want to see him, I never thought I would hurt him so badly of……"

"I was wrong……"

She lowered her little head, her face full of guilt and remorse.

She hurt someone before and was forced to apologize. Even if she apologized, she felt aggrieved and wronged in her heart, without any shame.

But now it is not forced to apologize, but I know from the bottom of my heart that it is wrong to hurt others.

Tian Leran reached out and touched her head, gentle and kind: "Let's buy something delicious and visit him in the hospital."

Little Taotie nodded his head like pounding garlic, his eyes sparkled: "I have canned fruit! It's delicious, give it to him!"

"He must feel your sincerity and apology."

Little Taotie went back to the house to find his luggage, found a jar of yellow peaches, and then found a jar of oranges.

The yellow peach in the glass bottle is cut in half, shaken, sinking and floating, it looks very attractive.In canned oranges, slices of orange are bright orange, full of sugar water, each slice is plump and moist, making it more attractive.

Little Taotie only brought two jars, looked at the orange slices in the glass bottle, swallowed, suppressed his urge to put them in his backpack, and decided to give them all to the little boy.

Although he was very bad and threw stones at himself, he shouldn't have hurt him.

Little Taotie sighed, and muttered softly, "It's all because of my natural strength."

From outside came the voice of Little Ganoderma lucidum: "No, no, I won't let go, I want to learn fencing!"

Xiao Taotie ran out with a backpack on his back, and saw that Xu Yingdi and Cheng Lu were trying to remove Xiao Lingzhi from Tao Mo's legs, but Xiao Lingzhi was holding on desperately, kicking his legs wildly, trying to kick Xu Yingzhi away and Cheng Lu.

Xu Yingdi and Cheng Lu were sweating profusely, but they still couldn't remove the little ganoderma, quite helpless.

Little Taotie trotted over and came to Little Lingzhi, and asked childishly, "Do you want to learn fencing from Grandpa Fan, or do you want Grandpa Fan to be your grandfather?"

"Children make choices! I want them all!" Xiao Lingzhi yelled, "I want to learn fencing~~~I want cool grandpa~~~"

Cheng Lu's mouth twitched: Isn't she just a child!
"Didn't you say that you have a grandfather who dotes on you very much? If your real grandfather knows that you recognize someone else as your grandfather, he will definitely be angry." Little Taotie reasoned with her in a childlike voice: "Don't be greedy, Everyone can only have one grandpa."

Little Taotie sighed inwardly: With Grandpa Fan, the grandpa in the mountains left.

"I want both! I want to kiss grandpa, and I want to be cool grandpa!"

"But... if you are greedy, you will lose a grandfather."

Xiao Lingzhi, who was howling, was stunned, and looked at Xiao Taotie in disbelief, "What did you say?"

"In the mountains, I had a grandfather who loved me very much. Later, I met Grandpa Fan, who also loved me very much. Not long after, the grandfather in the mountains... passed away." Little Taotie lowered his head and sighed softly.

Xiao Lingzhi let go in seconds, jumped ten steps away, and kept a distance from Tao Mo.

She patted her heart in fear: "That won't work, my grandpa is the best, irreplaceable! I want my grandpa to live a long life!"

Tao Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and shook his leg, which was almost numb.

Taking advantage of the little Ganoderma lucidum running away, Little Taotie quickly came to Tao Mo's side in small steps, and hugged Tao Mo's leg.

Tao Mo was taken aback, but fortunately he didn't swing his leg too violently, otherwise he would have kicked his good granddaughter.

Little Taotie hugged Tao Mo's leg, raised his head, and softly called out, "Grandpa Fan!"

 4 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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