The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 456 This Is What It's Like to Be in Love

Chapter 456 This Is What It's Like to Be in Love
Little Taotie came to the hospital and found the little boy's ward. Before entering the room, he heard the little boy's cry and Mrs. Hu's loud voice.

"You unlucky boy, is your brain flooded? What are you doing to provoke Hercules when you have nothing to do? Be careful that she smashes your head with a fist, and all the brains will be blown out!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow ! It’s so accurate!”

"Why didn't you smash to death, you unlucky boy! Who told you to provoke people if you have nothing to do! Which hand is throwing stones, stick it out!"

"Grandma, don't hit! Ah! Don't hit! Woooooo..."

Little Taotie stood at the door for a while, still puzzled in his heart: Baibai is fat and easy to bully?In vain... fat?fat?
"Why don't you go in?" Tian Leran asked warmly.

Little Taotie hugged his bag tightly and said angrily, "I don't want to give him canned oranges anymore."

"Why?" Tian Leran was puzzled.

"He said I was fat!"

Tao Mo couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

Little Taotie looked over, his eyes were extremely aggrieved, "Grandpa Fan also thinks I'm fat?"

"No! No, no, no!" Tao Mo immediately waved his hand in denial, "Our little Taotie is the cutest and most beautiful! Grandpa thinks you've lost weight! We need to make up more!"

Little Taotie looked at him suspiciously, Tao Mo looked sincere: "I'm telling the truth, my good grandson is not fat at all!"

Hearing the movement at the door, the little boy looked over with tears in his eyes. When he saw the little Taotie standing at the door, he widened his eyes in horror and screamed: "Hercules is coming to hit me on the head! Grandma, help me!"

Mrs. Hu looked back, and was startled when she saw the little Taotie at the door, her voice trembling: "You...why are you here? Didn't I say, don't pay compensation, don't come..."

Little Taotie walked over with the bag in his arms, the grandparent and grandson were trembling.

The little boy's feet were still hurting, and he was terrified.

The scene of the little Taotie smashing the big rock to pieces was played repeatedly in the old lady's mind, she was also terrified.

Little Taotie walked to the hospital bed, opened the zipper, took out a can of yellow peaches from the bag, hesitated for a while, and wondered whether he should take out the canned oranges, seeing the little boy's feet wrapped up like rice dumplings, Xiao Taotie felt guilty Pursing his lips, he took out a can of oranges.

She put the two cans on the cabinet next to the hospital bed, seriously, and bowed childishly, "I'm sorry, I didn't think of hurting you to the hospital, I just thought of you throwing me , I have to throw it back, I forget that I am very strong."

"This is my favorite canned yellow peaches and canned oranges. I give them all to you. I hope you will forgive me."

Little Taotie raised his head, looked at the little boy with those big clean and clear eyes that seemed to be studded with stars, blinked, the eyes sparkled, expecting to be forgiven.

The little boy stared blankly at her, his mouth opened in an O shape.

When Little Taotie blinked, the little boy felt as if he was being burned, his face was hot, and his heart was beating so fast!

"It's love!"

The little boy grabbed grandma's hand excitedly, "Grandma, the little aunt said, the heart beats faster and the face is hot, this is the feeling of being in love! My love is coming, grandma, hurry up and say hello to me!"

Old Mrs. Hu: What kind of mess did the unlucky little girl teach her grandson!My grandson is only seven years old!Fall in love!
"Shut up, you!" Mrs. Hu glared at the little boy, "With your small body, you still want to fall in love with Hercules? He just threw a small stone lightly, and your toe will be broken! If you don't Obedient, you will be shot in the head at any time!"

 6 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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