Chapter 457
Tian Leran covered Xiao Taotie's ears to prevent her from hearing.

Little Taotie blinked, his eyes were full of curiosity, and the little milk voice was soft: "Grandma Fan, why do you cover your ears?"

Seeing that they stopped talking, Tian Leran let go of the little Taotie's ears, and said lovingly: "Your ears are cold, I will cover them for you."

Little Taotie touched his ears, wondering: "It's not cold!"

"I warmed you up, but now it's not cold anymore."

"That's it..." Little Taotie quietly glanced at the canned oranges on the cabinet, still a little bit reluctant.

Tian Leran held Xiao Taotie's hand, and said with a smile: "I've said the apology, and the apology has been delivered, baby, we're going home."

Before the little Taotie walked out of the ward, he glanced at the little boy, who looked at her eagerly, but didn't dare to speak nonsense.

Tao Mo stayed in the ward with a sullen face, his cold eyes cast towards the brat who coveted the beauty of his grandson.

The little boy leaned closer to his grandmother, not daring to look at this fierce and strange old man.

Tao Mo lowered his eyes and told himself countless times that he couldn't argue with the brat, so he endured it and didn't raise the lion's crutch in his hand to hit him.

Tao Mo said, "I have paid all the medical expenses, and I have also paid the hospitalization expenses until he recovers and is discharged."

Tao Mo took out a card and handed it over: "This is a card without a password, and it contains compensation. Let's buy some bone soup for the child to make up for it."

Mrs. Hu thought about it and accepted it.

She felt that there should not be much money to buy bones for the child.

"Little Taotie has already apologized, and I have also compensated. The big matter has been turned into a small matter. In the future, Little Taotie will live in the village. I hope that our two families will stop seeking revenge and embarrassing each other."

Hearing this, Mrs. Hu nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, it should be like this, big things are turned into small things! I hope Hercules will not trouble my grandson!"

Tao Mo said lightly: "As long as your grandson doesn't provoke my good grandson, she is so good, she will never trouble your grandson!"

"I will definitely take care of him!" Mrs. Hu promised.

Before Tao Mo left the ward, he turned his head and said coldly: "There is also the topic of being in love or not. I hope your grandson will stop talking nonsense in front of my good grandson! My good grandson is still young, so don't dirty her ears." !"

Mrs. Hu nodded awkwardly.

When Tao Mo left, Mrs. Hu grabbed her grandson's ear and taught her a lesson: "You brat, don't talk nonsense from now on, don't be ashamed of yourself!"

"I didn't talk nonsense, my little aunt taught me!"

"Well, you brat, are you trying to persuade me to go back and teach your little aunt a lesson?"

"How can I have!"

"Restrain yourself in the hospital, and make trouble again, and see if I don't smash your ass!"

The little boy nodded aggrievedly: "Understood. You remember to cook bone soup for me and put more black fungus, I like it."

Mrs. Hu gave him a hard look, but went back in a hurry, bought bones, soaked black fungus, and prepared to cook soup for her grandson.

Old man Hu wore reading glasses to look at the account books, then at the prodigal girls, and sighed: "This year's harvest is not very good. Last month, my grandson broke the glass of Chen's house and lost money. Now he is in the hospital. We don't want to pay for it." They lose money, medical expenses and hospitalization expenses have to be borne by themselves, I am afraid it is not a small expense."

Mrs. Hu gave him a sideways glance: "That family is a reasonable family. The elders of the family have taken the child to the hospital to apologize, and paid the medical and hospital expenses first, and gave me a card to let me go. I'll buy some bone soup for the child to supplement."

Old man Hu's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands: "Where's the card? How much money is in it?"

 7 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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