Chapter 488 The Director is Excited and Excited

Xiao Taotie looked at his greedy face, and then at the half-bitten egg in his hand, recalling that he had eaten a bite of egg fried rice last time, and he felt delicious.

Could it be...

Do you want to eat it yourself to show him?

Little Taotie thought for a while, put half an egg in his hand to his mouth, and said in a childish voice, "If you don't think I'm dirty, just eat it!"

How old is Xiao Zai Zai, who would despise Xiao Zai Zai being dirty?
Plus this little cub is so cute!

Movie Emperor Xu subconsciously opened his mouth, and Little Taotie stuffed the egg into his mouth.

By the time Yingdi Xu reacted, the egg had already been chewed.

Xu Yingdi's eyes were blank.

As soon as he smelled the egg smell of boiled eggs, he felt fishy and would subconsciously vomit.

But this time, not only did I not vomit, but I also felt... delicious?
Little Taotie picked up the big steamed bun that Little Ganoderma lucidum gave her, took a bite, looked at Actor Xu, took another big mouthful, and deliberately pretended to be very satisfied and delicious.

Then, she saw actor Xu swallowing his saliva.

Little Taotie's eyes instantly brightened!

You guessed it!
It really is!
Little Taotie seemed to have grasped the trick, and his heart blossomed with joy.

The little Taotie handed over another big steamed bun that hadn't been bitten, and Actor Xu took it and ate it.

In fact, Actor Xu does not reject tasteless bland steamed buns, and he can barely eat a bite when he is about to die without eating.

Little Taotie saw that he had finished eating, and clapped his hands: "That's great!"

She seems to have found the joy of feeding the bunny!
At that time, if little Ah Piao hadn't appeared to stop her from continuing to feed the little rabbit, she would have continued to feed it.

She looked at Best Actor Xu and felt that he was not as cute as a little rabbit, but he was still pretty.

For actor Xu to become an actor, apart from his acting skills, his appearance is also online.

Little Taotie feels that feeding the good-looking Papa Xu is the same as feeding a little rabbit, just as happy!
So Yingdi Xu realized that he seemed to be fed a lot of food.

After I reacted, half an egg, a big steamed bun, a meat bun, and a big bowl of tofu and shepherd's purse soup were all eaten!

This is the long-lost satiety.


Actor Xu covered his mouth in shock.

This scene was all recorded by the camera hidden in the classroom.

The director was also shocked when he saw the picture in the camera, and turned to look at the cameraman who was also shocked, "Actor Xu... the anorexia is cured?"

The cameraman shook his head: "I didn't eat it at first, it was the little Taotie who ate it until it was brought to my mouth."

"He was fed by a cub?" The director couldn't believe it: "He really ate it all, and he didn't run out to vomit! He even burped! Oh my God, this is big news!"

The cameraman was excited: "Actor Xu's anorexia has already been spread among his die-hard fans, because they are all die-hard fans, so they didn't spread it to the outside world. If they knew that their star eats so much in our show Something that will definitely blow up our show."

The director couldn't restrain his ecstasy, and he became excited with a loud voice: "It's not just blowing up! The show will go to a higher level!"

The choreographer danced excitedly: "Brother, do you know that our show is going to explode, completely explode! How many people in this circle have anorexia? They are all trying to lose weight for the sake of being on camera, and then there are sequelae! These weight loss to Most people who suffer from anorexia are people with super perseverance, and now they are all top figures in the entertainment pyramid!"

The editor and director's eyes were burning: "When the news spreads, I will send out an invitation at random. Those big names don't need much appearance fee at all, and they will rush to come to our show! There is even a possibility that they will appear on the stage in friendship without charging any money!"

(End of this chapter)

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