Chapter 489
"Don't! Don't jump! I don't know what your weight is! The earth is shaking!" the photographer urged urgently.

It turned out that the director was too happy, and the huge volume jumped up and down, as happy as a child.

The director quieted down, staring at the scene in the camera with burning eyes, "Have you noticed that Actor Xu will have a great appetite for food that Xiao Taotie takes a bite of?"

"Yes, yes, I found out too!"

"It seems that it has something to do with the little glutton's delicious food."

"Actually, I stayed up too late a few days ago and lost my appetite. It was only after I saw the little Taotie eating that my appetite returned."

The director looked at him in surprise, "Then why didn't you say it earlier!"

The director himself is a fat man, and he has never been troubled by not being able to eat.

The photographer touched his bald head and smiled awkwardly: "I thought it was my own illusion, what if it wasn't? Didn't you want to be made fun of if you said it?"

The director touched his nose, feeling a little guilty.


Cheng Lu watched Actor Xu finish the most hated shepherd's purse tofu soup the whole time, and covered her mouth in surprise, her eyes were swollen for some reason.

Little Taotie stood in front of Emperor Xu, with his hands on his hips, and the little nanny said fiercely, "Father Xu, I will be in charge of supervising you from now on, you must not waste food every day, you must eat up everything!"

Xu Yingdi looked in a trance.

Gu Yixing reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "There is a little glutton staring at you, you can't even eat it."

Gu Yixing looked deeply at Actor Xu, his eyes seemed to say: Your anorexia is cured.

Film Emperor Xu came to his senses, nodded his head heavily at Little Taotie, "Then please leave it to Little Taotie."

Little Taotie straightened his body, but he didn't hold it for long, then he started giggling again, his little eyes secretly looked at Xu Yingdi, "Did I be very fierce just now?"

I didn't expect me to be so good!Scared Dad Xu so obediently!Hehehe...

Facing the little girl's sly and lively eyes, Actor Xu smiled lightly, reached out and rubbed her head, "Little Taotie is also very cute when he looks fierce."

Little Taotie pushed his head against his palm, rubbed his head, and rolled his eyes with a smile: "Father Xu, you are too thin, you need to eat more! I used to be thin and I didn't have much strength. When my mother chased me , I was almost chased by her several times! Now I have a big appetite and a strong person, if..." She paused, and lowered her voice: "If my mother chases and beats me again, I will definitely not be able to catch up!"

Although Little Taotie had almost forgotten it, and seemed to not even remember what Zhang Cuilian looked like, but the shadow in his heart took root, and when he mentioned her, he still subconsciously lowered his voice.

Emperor Xu picked up the little girl and put his arms around her gently, "No one will chase you and beat you."

Little Taotie leaned against his arms, and the little Naiyin was a little nervous: "I know that Shanli mother pushed grandpa and did something bad, so she was arrested by the police uncle and locked up."

She drooped her head: "I don't care about my younger siblings. When she is released from prison, will she come and beat me?"

"No! No one can hit you!" Gu Yixing squatted down and looked at the little Taotie, "You have nothing to do with her now, she can't hit you, if she hits you, you will be locked up again, did she sit It is impossible for a person in prison to want to go back.”

"So she won't come and beat me when she comes out?"

Facing Xiao Taotie's clear, bright eyes full of expectation, Gu Yixing knew in his heart that after the wicked adoptive parents were released from prison, it would be impossible for him to let Xiao Taotie go easily, but he still nodded and promised: "They won't look for him again. If you come to the door, it is even more impossible to hit you!"

(End of this chapter)

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