Chapter 490
Gu Yixing took a moment to hide in a place without cameras, and made a call.

Cheng Guodong was a little surprised when he saw the phone display.

Xiao Taotie always needs someone to take care of him on the show, so Cheng Guodong met Gu Yixing in private, and asked Gu Yixing to take care of Xiao Taotie.

At that time, I handed him my business card and said that if there was anything, please call me.

He thought that according to the way he took care of Yixing, when he left, he would throw the business card on the table and never take it away.

Seeing this phone number now, it seems that Gu Yixing took his business card away.

Cheng Guodong answered the phone: "Gu Dingliu, hello."


Cheng Guodong raised his eyebrows: such a good attitude?
"I called you because I wanted to chat with you about Xiao Taotie's adoptive parents."

Cheng Guodong lowered his face and said in a deep voice, "They are not worthy to be Xiao Taotie's adoptive parents."

"Then I'll change my words and say the couple in the mountains."

"Yes." Cheng Guodong's tone softened slightly.

"Cheng Dong, I know you love Xiao Taotie very much, and you have been working hard to protect him, but have you ever thought that those two people have become an indelible shadow in Xiao Taotie's heart?"

Cheng Guodong sighed.

How could he not know this.

Although the child is small, he is sensible early.

The mother in the mountain beat and scolded her at every turn, which would definitely leave a shadow.

Some people need a lifetime to erase the shadow of childhood.

"I tried very hard to make her happy and forget about everything in the mountains."

"I know Cheng Dong is working hard, but has Cheng Dong ever thought that one day in the future, they will be released from prison..."

Gu Yixing didn't continue, but Cheng Guodong already understood what he had to say.

Cheng Guodong took a deep breath: "I won't let them come to my door."

"Cheng Dong means that he has met the two in prison and threatened them?"

Cheng Guodong was taken aback, "I just thought that they would be released from prison in the future, and I told the bodyguards around Xiao Taotie not to let these two approach."

"Cheng Dong lives in happiness, and never knows how filthy a person crawling out of the mud will be."

"what do you mean?"

"Some people don't threaten or frighten their guts, they don't know how to restrain themselves."

Cheng Guodong was silent for a long time, his voice hoarse: "I see, I will send someone to do it."

"That's not necessary, I can do it."


Cheng Guodong was surprised: "Why do you need to go through this muddy water? If people find out, your reputation..."

"I heard that Cheng Dong likes to be sworn brothers?"

Cheng Guodong was a little taken aback, but he didn't expect the topic to suddenly jump to this topic, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Second brother, younger sister, they are all related to me."

"I have a predestined relationship with Xiao Taotie, but now, I don't know if I can also be considered a predestined relationship with Cheng Dong?"

"Gu Dingliu, what does this mean?"

"Oh, I just think Gu Dingliu doesn't sound very nice, and I want Cheng Dong to change his name."

"Another name?"

Gu Yixing laughed softly: "For example... the third brother?"

Cheng Guodong: "..."

Gu Yixing didn't hear the reply, so he stopped laughing, his expression restrained, "Cheng Dong think about it?"

"Although I'm from a bad background, I worked hard in the later period, and my luck was good. Now I have turned from an artist of the company to become the company's largest shareholder. I have also invested in many companies and own a lot of shares. Although the wealth I own Not as good as Cheng Dong, but not bad."

After a long silence, Cheng Guodong asked, "What is your purpose?"

"I just want to become Little Taotie's third brother."

(End of this chapter)

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