Chapter 491 Little Gluttony Little Teacher
Little Taotie stood on the podium, her little face was flushed, her eyes were downcast, her eyes flickering, she didn't dare to look at so many pairs of eyes looking at her from below the stage.

She was very embarrassed, and all the elder brothers and sisters present were older than her.

Little Taotie's milky voice said, "I... I will teach everyone Kung Fu!"


"Is it real kung fu?"

"Same as Teacher Gu, swordsmanship?"

"Is it great?"

"But she looks so small and soft, can she really know martial arts? In the movies, those who know martial arts are all muscular!"

"Are you really good at kung fu?"

Faced with their doubts, Little Taotie blushed and puffed up his cheeks, "I'll show you my martial arts!"

"Do you know how to crush big rocks in your chest? Or do you know how to do Tai Chi?"

"She will cut a watermelon in half, give half to you and half to me, haha!"

Some mischievous boys could not help but tease her when they saw Xiao Taotie's soft and angry look was cute.

Little Taotie got angry, put his hands on his hips, his little face became redder with anger, and his little face turned serious, imitating Hua Jinyan's usual ice face, expressionless.

"I'll let you see and see!"

Little Taotie called everyone to go outside, she pointed to the big rock on the ground, "Look out!"

The little Taotie made a stride, and breathed a "ha" on the little fist.

"What is she going to do?"

"Isn't it about throwing stones with bare hands?"

"Her hands are white and fleshy, are you sure they won't be broken?"

"This is the egg hitting the stone, right?"


"Little teacher, calm down, don't do anything stupid just for a moment's sake!"

"I dare not look at it! Will it be bloody?"

Little Taotie became even more angry, why didn't he believe in himself?

Little Taotie raised his fist and smashed it towards the stone.

"do not!"

"I can not see!"

"My God!"

Some timid girls have already covered their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of exclamation!



"Iron Fist!"

Hearing the exclamation, the girls who covered their eyes looked out through a gap between their fingers, with uneasy and cautious eyes.


When they saw the stone being smashed into pieces by their little fists, the girls exclaimed, and the way they looked at Little Taotie changed instantly, and their star eyes shone brightly.

"She looks younger than me!"

"Her hands are much smaller than mine, why is there so much strength?"

"She doesn't have any ugly muscles on her body, but she possesses such great strength. Is it because I am dazzled?"

"Is it magic? Is it a lie?"

"I saw her drop it with my own eyes, it's true!"

"Does she really know martial arts?"

"It's Huaguo Kung Fu! Real Kung Fu!"

"I want to learn!"

"I want to learn too!"

"Little teacher, quickly teach us how to become as powerful as you!"

"How can I develop an iron fist, it's too powerful!"

Little Taotie, who was originally irritated by their questioning eyes, suddenly became at a loss, surrounded by the students, looking at her with eyes of admiration and expectation, talking to each other.

"You guys... you guys are quiet!" Little Taotie said in a childish voice.

Unexpectedly, they were really quiet for an instant.

Little Taotie stared at them with wide eyes.

So good!

They are so cute!

Little Taotie blinked and asked softly, "Do you believe me?"

"Believe it!" the students said in unison.

Little Taotie became excited, his eyes sparkled, his dimples were sunken, and he smiled sweetly: "Then follow me, and step forward first!"

(End of this chapter)

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