Chapter 492

Although Zha Mabu and boxing are boring, but hearing Xiao Taotie say that this is laying the foundation, and he will be as good as her in the future, the students firmly believed in it, and shook their fists seriously one by one.

Gu Yixing: "This is not good, they won't really believe it, will they?"

Xu Yingdi wiped his sweat: "I feel... I have misunderstood my son."

Cheng Lu: "Some things are natural and cannot be forced."

Little Lingzhi sighed like an adult: "I hope they don't practice every day!"

The school bell rang.

Little Taotie stood at the front, exhaled, and shouted: "Receive your work!"

The students imitated the little teacher, exhaled, and shouted: "Receive the work!"

Little Taotie stood up straight, straightened his back, inspected a circle of his students, nodded, and praised: "You are all very good!"

"As long as you persevere every day, get up early in the morning and punch a hundred times, you will definitely gain something!"

"Okay, we remembered!"

"get out of class off!"

"goodbye teacher!"

Little Taotie triumphantly walked to Xiao Lingzhi, and smiled: "Is my teaching good?"

Little Lingzhi was entangled, seeing her high spirits, couldn't bear to be hit, nodded, against her will, said: "Very good!"

The Xiaolongbao on the side clapped their hands and applauded: "Sister Xiao Taotie is the best! The best, the best!"

Little Taotie touched Xiaolongbao's head and asked, "Have you decided to teach them what to draw later?"

Xiaolongbao puffed out her stomach and nodded: "Thought it out!"

The school bell rings.

Everyone returned to the classroom and sat down. Xiaolongbao's foot was injured, and it was Gu Yixing who carried him to the podium.

Gu Yixing wanted to let him go, but Xiaolongbao hugged his neck and refused to let go, "Brother Xingxing, carry me to the blackboard, I want to draw!"

Gu Yixing: "Do you want me to hold you to class?"

Xiao Long Bao looked at him with wide eyes: "Otherwise?"

Gu Yixing took a deep breath and reluctantly agreed.

Xiaolongbao smiled in his arms, and introduced himself to the students under the podium: "I am Xiaolongbao, and I will teach you how to draw!"

"How old are you?"

"I'm three years old! Hee hee hee!"

"You are so young, can you really draw well?"

"What can you teach us to draw?"

"Although we don't have an art class, we can draw flowers and plants casually, which is definitely better than yours!"

Xiaolongbao is not angry, he is a good-natured bun, he is smiling, his apple muscle is full of collagen, and he is very cute.

Seeing his soft smirk, the brothers and sisters of the students who originally wanted to tease him were too embarrassed to bully him, and they all closed their mouths, thinking that it was just coaxing children, if he didn't draw well, Just a few words of praise.

"Do you have toothbrushes?" Xiao Long Bao asked.

"Yes, we love cleanliness. We brush our teeth every morning and evening."

"Are there any unused, disused, forked toothbrushes?" Xiao Long Bao asked softly.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you.

A boy said: "I have. I got a new toothbrush two days ago. I haven't thrown it away yet, but it's at home."

Xiaolongbao thought for a while, then looked at Gu Yixing for help.

Gu Yixing: "...It's fine to carry you to class, but you still want me to be your assistant?"

"Brother Xing Xing!" Xiao Long Bao hugged his neck tightly and began to act coquettishly: "Kiss, please!"

Gu Yixing's face was covered with saliva, and he glanced at the students in the audience, seeing them covering their mouths and giggling, he said helplessly, "Okay, do you want me to distribute a toothbrush to everyone?"

Xiaolongbao nodded and said obediently, "Thank you, Brother Xingxing!"

(End of this chapter)

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