Chapter 493 Aoxue Red Plum Picture

Gu Yixing contacted the director. The director didn't know what the Xiaolongbao needed a toothbrush for, so he prepared a toothbrush out of curiosity and distributed a toothbrush to each student.

Xiao Long Bao grabbed the sleeve of the director, "Uncle director, I still need lead drawing paper, black ink and red ink!"

"Hey, aren't you wasting your time, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Xiao Long Bao looked at him aggrieved.

"All right, all right, I'll ask the props group to bring them, these props groups should have them all!"

The props team usually makes props, lead drawing paper, and ink are all available, and the delivery speed is very fast.

A class is 45 minutes, and 10 minutes have been wasted because of preparing materials.

Everyone thinks that Xiaolongbao is just a child who thinks about it, and they don't take it seriously, and they don't expect him to really teach all students to draw a decent work.

Use your thumb to guide the Xiaolongbao, dip it in black ink, and draw thick lines and rows on the lead drawing paper.

"Look, it's just like this. It's very simple. It doesn't need to be straight. It doesn't matter if it's crooked or crooked. It's more natural!" Xiao Long Bao explained earnestly.

Although he is very serious, he looks very unreliable.

Students, you look at me, I look at you, and sighed.

Just coax the children!

Some girls who love cleanliness really don't want to get their fingers dirty, so they use the tip of a pencil to paint with ink.

"Crooked, like an ugly dead tree trunk."

"I'm even uglier!"

"It's ugly!"

The students looked at each other and hated each other.

Xiaolongbao uses the little finger to demonstrate: "Next, use the little finger to draw ink and draw branches!"

"Huh? Is it really a painting of a tree?"

"I'll try it, it's quite similar!"

"It's very natural to draw a tree like this, it's really good!"

The students followed suit one after another, and got a dead tree with incomparable nature.

"Hee hee, next, we need a toothbrush!" Xiao Long Bao grabbed the toothbrush with his small hands and carefully stained it with a little red ink.

"Such a new toothbrush... I'm a bit reluctant."

"I should have brought my split toothbrush to school if I knew that!"

"Forget it, we don't need money for this, so just treat it as a coaxing child."

"That's right, I have to do it."

The students endured the pain and dipped their brand new toothbrushes in red ink.

Xiaolongbao gently scraped the brush of the toothbrush with a finger, and saw the red ink on the toothbrush head formed a spray pattern, splashing onto the paper bit by bit.

"What is this doing?"

"What the hell is he teaching us?"

"Hands are full of ink!"

"Whether to follow him or not, I don't think it is reliable!"

Xiao Long Bao wiped his hands with a wet paper towel, wiped his little hands clean, and then picked up the lead drawing paper to show in front of everyone.


"so beautiful!"

"Blossoms of Fallen Ying!"

"It's incredible!"

"It turns out that you can draw such beautiful pictures with a toothbrush!"

On the lead drawing paper displayed in front of everyone, the trees are extremely natural, and the lines left by the fingers are like the natural lines of the trees, as if they were drawn deliberately.

On each branch, a little bit of red, like a little bit of bright red plum blossom.

The white lead drawing paper is like a snowy scene, the black trees are like plum trees, and the little, big and small, very natural red dots are like the red flowers blooming proudly in the white snow. plum bossom.

"Can I also draw such a beautiful plum blossom picture?"

"Let me try!"

"I'll try too!"

The students scraped the head of the toothbrush with their fingers just like the steamed buns, and the red ink on the toothbrush splashed on the lead drawing paper in a spray pattern, irregular, large and small, but extremely natural.

"It's incredible!"

"It turns out that drawing is so fun!"

"It's so beautiful! It turns out that I can draw so well!"

"I want to take it home and show it to my grandparents, they will definitely praise me!"

(End of this chapter)

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