Chapter 507 Is To Raise The Wolf Demon
Standing next to "Samoyed", "Samoyed" didn't attack her, Xiangxiang breathed out in her heart: You made the right bet!

She forced a smile and stood next to Samoyed for a photo.

Suddenly, the surroundings fell into darkness, and when the light came on again, Mo Haihao and Xiangxiang looked at each other with panic in their eyes.

The seven wolves disappeared, and Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan also disappeared together!

Mo Haihao was very anxious: "Find someone!"

When the two were looking for their child, a white cloth fell from the sky, and the projection hit the white cloth.

"Look!" Xiangxiang raised her head and shouted.

Mo Haihao looked up, and saw the picture printed on the white cloth, it was Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan, it should be the surveillance picture from another place.

Eight speakers protruded from the wall, howling wolves.

The narration sounded, it was neither male nor female, and the voice of the old man switched to the strange voice of a child: "The emergence of thermal weapons has wrecked the Blue Star! Natural gas, air conditioners, and the exhaust gas released have severely damaged the air again! Even the air of heaven and earth It is no longer pure, but there is still the power of the sun to absorb, the power of thunder and lightning to absorb, and the source of water..."

"Hehe..." There was a creepy laugh.

"After the founding of the country, why are there no demons!"

"Why! Why! Why!"

The voice suddenly rose and became sharp: "Solar equipment, compete with us for the power of the sun!"

"How do we become demons!"

"The power of thunder and lightning is getting worse every day!"

"The water source has also become turbid, and the source of cultivation can no longer be raised!"

"Humans, you are the ones who persecuted us!"

"We have stopped eating human flesh for a long time, but you forced us to do it again!" The voice suddenly disappeared!
Mo Haihao and Xiangxiang's faces were very ugly, they probably already knew the truth.

Someone is raising ghosts, and they want to use Ah Piao to divert their attention. The real purpose is to cultivate ghosts!

Wolf demon!

Children are the purest source of cultivation, eat the essence of children to achieve their goals!
"Bastard! I'll contact Tou immediately!" Mo Haihao turned on the phone, but all the signals were cut off, and he couldn't make calls at all!

"what happened?"

"There is a jammer, which blocks the signal."

"What now?"

"Find a way to find Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan first!" Mo Haihao raised his head and looked deeply at the picture on the white cloth.

At this moment, Hua Jinyan and Xiao Taotie had passed out, the two children were sleeping soundly with their heads tilted, leaning against each other, the masks they had dropped on the ground.

"This basement is so big." Xiangxiang's expression was very serious. Time passed and the children were no longer found. She didn't know what terrible things would happen to the children.

Mo Haihao was depressed.

At this moment, he finally understood why such a large area was used to store containers, to cover the huge basement underground.

The size of the area where the container is placed above means the size of the basement below.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Haihao took out his phone again, but there was still no signal at all.

Xiangxiang also took it out several times, but there was no signal.

Just when the two were tense, Little Taotie slowly woke up. She looked at Hua Jinyan beside her, and rubbed her eyes in a daze.

She looked around, not knowing why she was here.

Is this a wooden house?

She leaned over the window and looked, but it was pitch black outside and she couldn't see anything.

There is no moonlight, no sunshine.

She couldn't tell whether it was day or night.

(End of this chapter)

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