Chapter 508 The wolf who only wants to eat venison

Little Taotie came back to Hua Jinyan's side, stretched out her small hand and squeezed Hua Jinyan's face, she let go, leaving a red handprint on Hua Jinyan's cheek.

"Hua Jinyan, wake up!"

Little Taotie pushed him a little harder, until he fell to the ground, but he still didn't wake up.

Little Taotie puffed up his cheeks, helped him up, and sighed softly: "Lazy pig!"

Little Taotie lowered his head and saw that his shoelace was loose.

When he knelt down to tie his shoelaces, the door of the wooden house opened, and he heard a heavy panting sound behind him, it didn't look like a human being, the little Taotie looked back suspiciously, and saw a big white dog walking slowly Come.

The big dog has fierce eyes, and his mouth is grinning, showing sharp teeth, and it seems that saliva is dripping down the teeth.

The Great White Wolf thought to himself: This child will surely cry, just like those crybabys in the past!
Little Taotie had just played horseback riding with the "cute" Dahei during the day, and now a big white dog came, and he was so happy that he waved wildly at it: "Come here quickly, I put Hua Jinyan in the On your back, do you know the way out, take us out!"

The big white wolf thought to himself: What is this kid talking to himself!I am not a horse!

Little Taotie has come to the side of Big White Gouzi, and is about to touch its head.

The great white wolf howled: Human cubs!How dare you touch this wolf's head!
Seeing it opened its big mouth towards her and was about to bite, Xiao Taotie was very calm, her little hands looked fleshy and had no strength, but when her two little hands grabbed the "dog"'s mouth, the "dog" mouth closed helplessly .

The big white wolf tried to break free from her hand, struggling hard, his eyes were about to pop out, and he vented his anger by blowing his nose vigorously.

Little Taotie covered the "dog"'s mouth with one small hand, lifted the "dog's" chin up with the other hand, and closed the "dog's mouth" tightly!
Little Taotie giggled, his eyes were innocent, and his voice was childish with a little milky voice: "Dog, biting people is wrong! If you bite me, I will be caught and given an injection. I... She blushed and leaned closer to the "dog"'s ear, "I'm telling you quietly, I'm a little afraid of injections."

As if she was afraid of being heard, she looked around after she finished speaking, let out a breath, and giggled: "This is our secret, you can't tell others!"

The big white wolf stared round, his eyes were full of anger: dog!Who is the dog!Wolf!I'm a wolf!It's all to blame for that damned old human guy who dyed my heroic hair into such a ghostly look!He also said that it is hot and fluffy like a Samoyed!Samoyed ghost!I am a wolf!

"Dog, your eyes are so big, if you stare again, your eyes will fall out!" Little Taotie said in a childish voice.

Great White Wolf: "..."

It closed its eyes and gave up struggling.

Is this little boy a devil?
How can there be so much strength?

Seeing that it behaved well, Little Taotie let go of his little hand, turned around and went back, continuing to tie Hua Jinyan's shoelaces.

While she was turning her back to him, the Great White Wolf licked his teeth, feeling the numbness and pain in his jawbone, hesitating to attack this human cub.

In fact, their wolves are very picky. Delicious donkey meat and venison are their favorites, but that damn old guy forces his companions to eat children.

I heard from my companions that children have less meat and more bones.

The way she screams, the way she cries, and the way she looks ugly is so unappetizing.

It was the first time it was sent out to eat children, and it didn't want to eat at all, it just wanted to eat venison!
I can imagine that if I don't bite off a piece of the cub's flesh, what will be waiting for me after I go back is...

The big white wolf closed his eyes, opened his mouth wide, and bit the little Taotie!
(End of this chapter)

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