Chapter 510 Dog, Are You Smiling?

The Great White Wolf walked in a long tunnel, and he still hasn't figured out how he ended up in this situation.

He clearly came to eat human cubs!
How did he become a "dog" looking for food for human cubs!
Wanting to let out an angry roar to vent his depression, he opened his mouth, his cheeks hurt, and then he remembered that his mouth was tied.

I don't know where she got her strength from, it's completely different from those human cubs who could only cry and cry!
The great white wolf has developed intelligence, and sometimes it is proud of its own intelligence. At this moment, it thought of an excellent solution!

Take this little human devil to see that old guy, and let them fight humans against humans!
In their human terms, this is dog eat dog!

"Dog, are you smiling? Your eyes are bent, and you look... so cunning!"

When the great white wolf turned his head, his eyes suddenly became innocent, and he shook his big head.

Little Taotie was puzzled: "Can you understand what I said?"

The big white wolf continued to shake his head vigorously, expressing that he didn't know, he didn't know anything.

Little Taotie looked at it suspiciously: "You can clearly understand it!"

The big white wolf continued to play innocent, and his head continued to shake.

"Cuckoo!" Little Taotie's stomach cried out.

The big white wolf's stomach was uncontrollable, and he also yelled: "Cuckoo!"

One person and one wolf looked at each other.

In order for the big white wolf to eat the children, it has been starved for two days and two nights.

Little Taotie's milky voice said, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

The big white wolf did start to sprint, and he was a little afraid that the cub would not be able to keep up. When he looked back, the cub followed closely and ran very fast.

On the other side, Xiangxiang inhaled deeply, and finally found the cabin, but found nothing.

Mo Haihao squatted down, picked up the broken hair on the ground, found some animal hair, and handed it over: "Identify it."

Xiangxiang sniffed it closer, and soon had the answer: "It's the hair of Little Taotie, she was indeed here just now! The other one is a wolf!"

"Keep looking! There is no blood here, they should have just left!"

Xiangxiang nodded, sniffing the smell, and looked for it in the direction where Little Taotie left.

On the other side, inside the old castle, sirens sounded from the attic.

A chip will be installed in the mobile phone of each special department personnel. Once the signal of the mobile phone is blocked by the jammer, the chip will automatically cut off the power within 3 minutes. After the power is cut off, an alarm will sound in the attic.

The head of the special department operated on the computer and locked two people, one was Mo Haihao and the other was Xiangxiang.

"What happened to the captain of the third team?" It was the captain of the second team who asked, "What is his task today?"

The captain of the first team said: "The disappearance of the children in the haunted house was originally my case, because the risk factor was relatively low, so he changed it with me, saying that he would take the two little guys with him, so he changed to a simpler task. "

Captain of the fourth team: "It seems that this case has exceeded expectations and is very difficult."

The head of the special department immediately ordered: "Team [-], Team [-], gather people and go to the rescue."

"The second team checks and monitors."

Soon, the captain of the second team reported: "An hour ago, Xiangxiang posted a W blog. Head, look."

The head of the special department took over the laptop, and when he saw the screen on the screen, his expression turned pale instantly.

"Ghostface mask! Reminds me of a case ten years ago! Zoom in a thousand times and see if there is an SV mark in the lower right corner of the mask."

The captain of the second team immediately enlarged the two masks, and said solemnly: "Yes! Head, look!"

(End of this chapter)

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