Chapter 511 Does the Dog Like Me?
The head of the special department changed his expression drastically: "Seventh Team! Immediately notify Seventh Team for emergency rescue!"

The captain of the second team immediately notified the captain of the seventh team who was still on a mission. The captain of the seventh team left half of the people to continue completing the mission, and rushed to the direction of the haunted house with the other half.

Everything was properly arranged, and the head of the special department still had a serious expression on his face, and murmured: "I didn't expect the two children to encounter such a difficult case for the first time on their mission. I hope they won't be frightened."

The captain of the second team asked curiously: "What does SV mean?"

The head of the special department's eyes darkened: "An illegal organization is equivalent to a cult. They think they are descendants of the demon clan, with the blood of the demon clan flowing, but in fact they are human beings."

"They want to prove that wild beasts can become demons, and demons can become human beings. As their power becomes stronger, they will become real human beings without flaws."

"So they keep doing experiments, trying every means and method to turn beasts into people! This proves that they are the most powerful monsters in the monster clan!"

"Among them, the werewolf legend and the nine-tailed fox turned into a human are what they believe most, so they illegally raised many wolves and foxes."

"Ten years ago, they cut off the fox's tail and tried to make a nine-tailed fox. The nine-tailed fox eats people's hearts. They dug out people's hearts to feed the nine-tailed fox, just to make the nine-tailed fox into a demon. After the incident was revealed, The state sent a special department to take action, and they have already taken them all. Unexpectedly, some of the caught fish escaped back then, and they will do things again ten years later."

Captain of the second team: "Isn't this just a group of psychopaths?"

"Head, you are looking for Team Seven to support, because you suspect that there will be many wild beasts at the scene, and you need them to control the beasts?"

The head of the special department nodded: "Ten years ago, we suffered heavy losses. In addition to wolves and foxes, they also raised cheetahs, lions, and tigers."

The captain of the second team thought of something, and asked: "Before, the beast masters couldn't form a team by themselves. It seems that only ten years ago, there were seven teams. Is it because of this?"

The head of the special department nodded.


Little Taotie took a deep breath in the air and smelled the delicious smell.

It is the aroma of barbecue!

She swallowed her saliva and smiled foolishly: "It's so fragrant, it must be very delicious!"

The big white wolf thought: Of course it is delicious!That's roast donkey meat!In human terms, dragon meat in the sky and donkey meat on the ground!That is as delicious as dragon meat!

Although the big white wolf's mouth was bound, after such a long time, it became more or less loose, and there was a suspicious crystal liquid left between its lips and teeth!
"Haha, dog, you're drooling!"

Great White Wolf: Human cubs are so annoying!
"Dog, don't worry, when we get to the place, I'll buy more and give you more food! I brought a lot of money!" She patted her small bag and smiled innocently.

The great white wolf became a little awkward: the human cub smiled... a little cute, but not so annoying!

Little Taotie saw a small, very small, little finger-sized white flower blooming from the top of the big white wolf's head!

"Hee hee, dog dog, do you like me very much?" Little Taotie suddenly hugged "Gou Tou" and rubbed his forehead with his small face, "baji" kissed it on the forehead, and kissed it on the forehead. On the little white flower.

The big white wolf's eyes widened in disbelief, and he wailed in his heart: God!I've been defiled by human cubs!I'm dirty!
Seeing the small white flowers on its head swaying in the wind, the little Taotie seemed to like his kiss very much, and smiled: "Dog dog, come home with me, my elder brother's house has a lot of delicious food, I will definitely feed you." If you are full, you will never be hungry again!"

(End of this chapter)

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