The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 512 The Great White Wolf Discovered by Conscience

Chapter 512 The Great White Wolf Discovered by Conscience
A bright light finally appeared not far away, getting closer and closer to the source of the fragrance.

Little Taotie ran like a joy, getting closer and closer to that direction.

Big White Wolf was troubled.

It is afraid of that old guy, he always beats all kinds of strange things into the body of it and its companions, every time, it will hit once, and every time a group of companions will die.

Every time those needles make it uncomfortable and painful, it even feels like the bones of the whole body are broken, and vomiting and diarrhea are considered good.

It is very lucky, and it can survive every time.

In fact, it was also ignorant at the beginning, until it was forced to suck the transparent villain in the bottle.

As it sucked more and more, it gradually became intelligent, and among its companions, several were smarter than it.

It was also the first time it was sent out to eat a child. The old guy sent another wolf that was transformed into a Erha shape, but once, it bit off the arm of the child, and the child died Now, instead of entering the bottle after death, he became very vicious, and it seemed that even the old guy couldn't do anything about it.

Listening to the conversation between the old guy and the man in black and a grimace mask, the kid turned into a troublesome evil spirit.

Although it has opened its intelligence, it still can't understand some things, but it knows that the old guy and the man with the grimace mask are very nervous and scared.

The big white wolf looked at the little Taotie, it also hoped that this human cub could scare the old guy and the others, but thinking of the cub's gentle kiss, it was a little afraid that the cub would be hurt.

The big white wolf sprinted suddenly, and rushed in front of the little Taotie, blocking the little Taotie's way.

Little Taotie was stopped, and he blinked his big innocent eyes: "What are you doing! I'm going to eat barbecue! Aren't you hungry too, why are you stopping me?"

The great white wolf said "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu", but even if the mouth is loosened, the human cubs can't understand the wolf howling.

Little Taotie tilted his head and looked at him for a long time, seeing the little white flower on its head was crying, he was a little dazed, and asked tentatively, "You don't want me to eat barbecue?"

The great white wolf nodded his head.

"Why? I'm hungry, don't you want to eat barbecue? Your mouth is watering!"

The great white wolf thought he wanted to eat it, but he knew that this meal of roast donkey meat was not so easy to eat. Only when it hurt a human cub and bit off a piece of human meat could it be exchanged for a piece of roast donkey meat.

All the wolf companions in the past were like this. If they did not bring back human flesh, they would be shocked by electric shocks, their hair burned off, whipped, and all kinds of cruel beatings.

Seeing that the big white wolf suddenly trembled for no reason, the little Taotie tentatively asked, "Is there any danger?"

The big white wolf lowered his head and nodded listlessly.

Little Taotie sat down on the spot, his little head turned rapidly.

——I am already a staff member of a special department. I came out today to work part-time. I almost forgot!
It's all the stomach's fault. If you're too hungry, your head will get stuck like a cell phone that's stuck.

Little Taotie took out the last resentment candy left, and she still wanted to hide it until Hua Jinyan woke up, and she would be half with him.

She looked at Hua Jinyan, who was unconscious, and then at the "dog" who was staring at her. The little man sighed helplessly, "I will untie you, but you can't bite anyone again! I I only bite when I know you are very hungry, how about this, you and I will share half of this candy!"

(End of this chapter)

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