Chapter 513

The big white wolf was a little disdainful: Such a small thing is not enough to fit between the teeth, and half of it is needed for one person?
As if reading the big white wolf's eyes, the little glutton hummed: "You don't understand! This is no ordinary candy!"

Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while, then explained: "Do you know compressed biscuits?"

The great white wolf squinted at her: I am a wolf with enlightened wisdom!of course I know!

"I have a big appetite, and I can't seem to fill my stomach after eating a lot of things, but it's different after eating evil spirit chocolate and resentment candy! It's like eating compressed biscuits, you will feel full, a small one , equal to a lot of sugar!"

The big white wolf squinted at her suspiciously: The head of the little human cub was kicked by the donkey, right?
"You do not believe?"

"As long as you eat it! You will believe it!"

Little Taotie put the candy on the palm of his hand, and with the other hand he made a knife gesture to chop the candy down. The candy was perfectly cut in half, and the incision was as if cut with a knife.

Little Taotie cocked his mouth proudly, "I'll untie you, don't bite me, you know?"

The big white wolf nodded his head.

Little Taotie patted its head, touched the little white flower, saw that the little white flower was no longer crying, but swaying with the wind, couldn't help laughing "hee hee".

The big white wolf gave little Taotie a strange look: Could it be that this little human cub was kicked in the head by a donkey?

Little Taotie loosened the bow tie, Big White Wolf felt his mouth was numb, and it was difficult to open it.

Little Taotie ate half of the candy by himself, and rolled his eyes happily: "It's strawberry flavored!"

She stuffed half of the candy into the big white wolf's mouth and said with a smile, "Try it quickly, it's delicious!"

If anyone saw this, they would have screamed, because the little girl's hand was almost in the wolf's mouth.

The big white wolf licked the little girl's fingers, but didn't bite, waited for her to withdraw her hand, and then bit off the thing in her mouth. The little one thought it was tasteless, but he didn't expect...

good to eat!

It's so delicious!
The big white wolf's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he tasted a delicious food that he had never tasted before!
"It's delicious! It's so delicious!"

The voice was so abrupt that everyone present was dumbfounded.

One person and one wolf stared blankly.

After a long time, the great white wolf came back to his senses and wanted to howl, but he said in a human voice: "God, I almost thought that I was so powerful that I spit out human words! Huh?"

One person and one wolf looked at each other, the little Taotie came back to his senses, hugged the "dog's head", and said excitedly: "It turns out that the dog can speak human language after eating the resentment candy, it's amazing!"

The great white wolf was stunned, trembling: "This wolf... can really speak human language?"

You can't really become a human, can you?
Remember that old guy told the ghost mask man that he wanted to turn them into humans!
At that time, they couldn't understand their wolf-to-wolf conversation. At that time, it and its wolf companions were scolding them for their whimsy and their brains were kicked by donkeys.

They have such powerful limbs and such heroic hair, why do they have to become bald humans with thin arms and thin legs?
"No!" The great white wolf cried out in grief, "I don't want to become a human!"

"Will you become a human?" Little Taotie tilted his head, looking at it suspiciously.

The great white wolf asked: "Cub, what on earth did you feed me! Ugh, can I spit it out?"

The big white wolf tried to vomit, but he hadn't eaten for two days and two nights, his stomach was empty, and the half of the sugar had already been digested.

"No, I don't want to be a hairless Twoleg!"

Little Taotie looked at it, then at himself, with question marks in his heart: Two-legged beast?
"Cub, run away, I'm going to die." The great white wolf lowered its head, and walked towards the bright place with the look of wanting to die.

(End of this chapter)

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