Chapter 514 I want to fight for justice
"Hiss!" The great white wolf gasped and looked back.

Little Taotie blinked innocently, spread out his little hands, with snow-white fur lying on the palms.

"I wanted to grab you and not let you go, accidentally... I grabbed a hand hair."

Great White Wolf: "..."

"Dog, don't be angry~"

The big white wolf became even more angry, gnashing his teeth: "I am a wolf! A wolf! A wolf—"

Little Taotie's big black and white eyes were full of bewilderment, he looked up and down the "dog" in front of him, but he didn't realize that it was a wolf at all!

"You... don't look like a wolf at all."

"Hee hee, dog, it's wrong to lie to people!"

Little Taotie hugged its "dog head", rua to rua, rubbing its fur with his little face, "wolves don't have such fluffy and soft fur~"

Little Taotie has seen cartoons and knows that the wolf's fur is hard, so he doesn't believe what the big white wolf says.

The great white wolf repeated again: "I am a wolf! I am a wolf! I am a wolf!"

Helpless, the things that the human cubs believe, even if they shout out their throats, cannot be changed.

The great white wolf was dejected: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if it's a wolf or a dog, I'm going to die anyway."

Little Taotie looked at it wonderingly: "Are you seriously ill?"

The wolf shook his head, frowning.

"If you are not seriously ill, why did you die?"

"You won't understand even if you say it, you little human cub, run away, it's not a good place ahead, the farther away you are, the better."

Little Taotie sniffed the air: "It smells so delicious, why can't it pass?"

"There's an old guy over there who eats kids."

"Can eat children?"

"He forced me to bite a piece of the child's meat and exchange him for a piece of roasted donkey meat. He has forced many of my companions to do this. Those who disobeyed would be shocked with electric shocks and severely beaten. Many of them died within one night."

The great white wolf sighed: "I can't escape death either."

Little Taotie understands, "dog" will be beaten to death!

Thinking of the little puppet that was abused by the bad woman and almost died, Xiao Taotie clenched his fists, his eyes were fierce and fierce, "Dog, take me, I'll help you beat the bad guys!"

"He is very powerful, you are not his opponent."

"I know martial arts, and I have great strength!" Little Taotie straightened his back.

The wolf shook his head and sighed: "He has a weapon, and a robot with copper skin and iron bones. We also resisted and gathered together to kill him, but he is too powerful."

"Robot?" Little Taotie thought of the sweeping robot at his elder brother's house, he was not afraid at all, and straightened his back: "It must not be as good as me!"

The big white wolf hesitated, and looked at her suspiciously.

Little Taotie pointed to the direction of the light: "Is the bad guy there? Just wait, I'll arrest the bad guy right away!"

I'm an evil spirit that will retreat three feet, seeing the fierce beast that I'm afraid of!

"Ahhh!" Little Taotie's grandma let out a ferocious growl, which came from her instinctive self-confidence.

The little Taotie let go and ran towards the bright place. The big white wolf was in a hurry, and hurried to catch up, while chasing and persuading: "A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, little cub, don't be stupid, you are an egg, you can't fight against that old piece of meat!" Stone!"

Little Taotie clenched his fists: "Those who bully dogs are bad guys! I am a police detective from a special department, and I want to fight for justice! I am a hero, and I will never let any villain go easily!"

Big White Wolf: "...little cub, if you can't beat me, quickly jump on my back, and I will run away with you on my back, don't be brave!"

(End of this chapter)

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