Chapter 516 Hurt my family, you must die!

Just a little bit!Just a little bit!
He was mending the wolf fur bit by bit with a needle and thread, but at this moment, his arm was numb!
The voice next to my ear was even more eerie: "Give me back my arm...give me my arm..."

The old man shook his arm to try to calm himself down, but the numbness on his arm became worse and gradually turned into pain, which reached into his bones.

When Little Taotie ran in, he saw a familiar evil spirit, wearing their school uniform and red scarf, holding a chainsaw in his hand and slashing at the arm of the old man in a white coat.

Although the chainsaw passes through the old man's body every time, it doesn't seem to hurt the old man at all, and there is no bloody picture.

But in fact, the chainsaw saw the old man's soul again and again!
This kind of pain is painful to the depths of the soul!
Little Taotie took a deep breath and clenched his fists, trying to prevent this vile evil spirit from hurting the doctor's grandfather in a white coat.

In her impression, all the people in white coats are doctors, and they are all good people who save lives and heal the wounded.

Just when she wanted to stop it, the big white wolf rushed over.

"That old guy, he beat us up and killed many of my companions!"

Little Taotie was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with bewilderment.

The brain circuits of human cubs are still a little confused, and it is impossible to equate the doctor who saves the dying and the big villain who beats the dog.

"Look!" The big white wolf came to the black cloth, bit the black cloth with his teeth, and pulled it back vigorously.

Black cloth falls from the top, revealing iron cages.

There are wolves disguised as dogs in the iron cage, and other beasts, such as tanuki, which are bigger than cats.

These animals were all lying in the cage, dying.

Some of the cages were actually dead.

Little Taotie could see the animals A Piao hovering beside their fleshy bodies. A Piao's pupils were blank, obviously he had just died not long ago, and he didn't know he was dead yet.

Little Taotie's body trembled violently, a kind of instinctive anger came from the soul!
Until her eyes were fixed on a long-dead lion with welts all over its body in a big cage, this anger could no longer be controlled.

Little Taotie raised his head and "roared", his black and white eyes gradually shrouded in haze, his pupils gradually became darker, and in the depths were mysterious changes of the Milky Way, as if countless stars converged into a Milky Way.

The galaxy rotates and changes, and the most powerful force locked in the body is awakened.


"If you hurt my family, you will die!"

A gust of wind suddenly appeared in the windowless basement, blowing up everything on the entire operating table. The scalpels stood upright in the air, and suddenly the blades stabbed at the old man in a white coat.

"Who! Who are you!" The old man stepped back again and again, before a coffin, pushed open the lid of the coffin, and crawled out of a robot.

The fully charged robot is armored with copper skin and iron bones, which is built to imitate the appearance of Iron Man.

"Catch her! She's a monster! She must be a monster!"

"Hahaha..." The old man's laughter became extremely excited: "It finally appeared! Yaozu, there really are Yaozu in this world!"

"I have better specimens for my experiments!"

The old man laughed frantically: "I want to cut her open, I want to see her internal structure..."

(End of this chapter)

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